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Oh Wendy, I'm so pleased you didn't lose your work. After my recent holiday, I had a bad cold and couldn't sleep so got up, went downstairs and starting building a special 'holiday memory' photobook at 3am ... to cut a long story short, there was a problem with what I thought was the software and I lost all my work, every single scrap of it. Fortunately I still had my edited photos, so I gritted my teeth and started work on another book with a different company ... several hours later I had exactly the same problem! The computer wouldn't save any of my lovely book. I had to shut the computer down to reboot and lost everything. I then spent hours fiddling with my computer settings and came to the conclusion that a background Microsoft download had sneakily altered my security settings which then caused problems with the photobook software when I came to upload the completed book! So, by the end of the day I don't mind admitting several tears of pure frustration had been shed. Eventually, I fixed the problem and went on to create book number three - rather nervously! By bedtime my book was still uploading to the photobook company, but finally it went through and my book arrived about a week later ...
It's beautiful but I'm so cross, after all my troubles I forgot to upload one of my favourite pics!!!!! AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!! :doh:
OH Paula!! I weep with you
I know THAT frustration
I now have my little albums but the large photo book that I have been working on is lost for the moment. I doubt it will be able to be retrieved....sigh... BUT I'm real happy about my moo albums. :dance: :dance:
Yay! so gald the Moo Cards turned out well for you Wendy :dance:
Aren't they fun little tags?? Which reminds me I need to place a refill order for mine soon:) I hope you're able to retrieve your work from that computer. I went through the same thing about a year ago...our old computer crashed and I thought I lost everything...I always save to a disk now.
I am at the moment making them into an album. :dance: :dance: Lots of options for a cover thinking of making it out of clay.........
The cards have a high quality finish, they are just so lovely and at a nice price. I plan to do more with :dance: :dance:
I´m using the Moo Cards too.
They are so great and so easy to make.
Others have said this above but I agree. If you use your name or a phrase that closely describes your creations you should be in the clear as long as you don't copy another's design or trademark too closely.
Look at "Apple Records" and "Apple Computer", for example.
They are both named "Apple" but they are distinct enough that people can tell them apart.
(Apple Records is the name of the company that the Beatles used to publish their music.)
The ruler device is cute. You should have no problem with that.
If that doesn't work you might consider something similar.
When you describe something that is very small, you often use your thumb and forefinger in a little "claw" or "pincher" to illustrate your point. You'll hold up your hand and say, "Teeny Tiny Teddy Bears!", making that characteristic pincher movement.
There's lots of ideas like that.
When you describe something that is very small, you often use your thumb and forefinger in a little "claw" or "pincher" to illustrate your point. You'll hold up your hand and say, "Teeny Tiny Teddy Bears!", making that characteristic pincher movement.
There's lots of ideas like that.
So true...yet it didn't occur to me.......