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Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

I got to thinking about this today ... and I thought that of all the things that could make me nuts, THIS is what annoys me every single day ...

At a stop light of a simple four way intersection ... when people get in the left lane planning to go straight.  Don't they get that the "right on red" lane, also happens to be the go straight lane if you're not going to turn your rear-end LEFT.  Then ... when you pull ahead of them on the right, they have the nerve to honk and gesture.  Grrr.  If I didn't want to get arrested, I'd be down there with spray paint and arrow stencils one of these nights.

Okay, I feel better.  Thanks guys!  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

The news media being dishonest in the quest for the next great story

Also the news media amping up a story to keep things going.....

It doesn't seem to matter whose lives are injured in the quest of ratings.
bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry

Oh and having to already know how to spell a word in order to look it up.  (I live with the dictionary right by me and still can't find the word I want sometimes.... :redface:
bear_wub :hug: bear_wub

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Here's my pet peeve...people who stand so close behind you in a queue (we have lots of those here in England) close in fact that you can feel their hot breath on your neck...and every time you move up do they. I even try not moving up on purpose so that there is a 6 foot gap in front of me till the next person queuing and still they stand so close their toes are touching my heels. Makes me want to turn round and shout..'Back smelly, pathetic creep!!!!' but of course, here in the UK we're much too polite for anything like that.

I just tread on their toes instead.

I have laryngitis ...and can't speak..I can still type though!!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Slow drivers in the fast lane and those who drive around with their blinker on but never turn.

Anyone trying to help me prepare or clean up from a meal in MY kitchen!!! (I know, I should welcome the help but I have my way of doing things. It's just easier to do it myself!) I also feel this way about my laundry. No one can fold it but me! Sensing a bit of a control issue here????? Hmmm...

Oh.. one more thing.... Why do the baggers at the grocery store always put my bananas at the bottom of the bag and mix the frozen stuff with oh, say, cereal, canned food, etc. Why not keep cold food together to keep each other cold?

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Whinning!  I can't stand it when people whine.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

LOL Jenn - I find that funny LOL   :clap:  (Just that you said that on a topic that's all about whinning LOL)


Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Jenny and all,
                                   Like Jenny ,I cannot stand people standing so close you can hear them breathe,specially if you are a cash machine etc. Sorry to hear about you voice Jenny , hope it clears up fast.

Hugs Rita xx

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Actually everyone at my house thinks it's wonderful for me not to be able to speak....a bit of light relief!! The annoying thing is I can't tell the dog to get down from the chair when she barks at the postman...she's having a ball!!


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

I don't have any pet peeves cos i'm a saint  bear_innocent  :pray:   bear_innocent  :pray:

ho ho ho

St.Penelope - patron saint of beary artists

P.S. IS there a special saint for sewers/bearmakers??? Anyone out there know?


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_angry My pet peeve? The fugacity of TIME  bear_angry

Otherwise, I've been around so long that very little really bothers me any more,  bear_whistle at least not enough to get seriously riled up about--except for cruelty to animals and children and old people, drunk/drugged drivers, people complaining about crying babies, politicians (all of them) and taxes!


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_rolleyes Oh, and since I'm shirking working on a deadly dull paper all about Marxist aesthetics . . .

:pray: St Penny, you might have some competition from St. Anne:

St. Anne is considered the patron saint of seamstresses.
She was the wife of Joachim, mother of Mary
and grandmother of Jesus of Nazareth.
Her feast day is celebrated on July 26th.

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

You all have great peeves lol
And I hate that queue thing!  Gross!
Do you say whinge in America?  We say it a lot here... stop your whinging  bear_tongue  Its not in my email dictionary and it is american lol
Hugs Sarah

Estelle Estelles canal bears and Tod Teddies
Todmorden West Yorkshire
Posts: 370

my pet peeve is a bit like the standing so close you can hear them breeth, its people behind you at the supermarket checkout that nudge you with theirv trooly, it isnt as though you can go anywhere you stuck behind the one in front. bear_cry

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

people behind you at the supermarket checkout that nudge you with theirv trooly

he he he - i've never been nudged by a trooly before

Penny  :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
Jennskains wrote:

Whinning!  I can't stand it when people whine.

Guess this isn't the topic for you then, huh, Jenn?  :P

Sarah - we say WHINE not WHINGE. Means the same though!

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

LOL!!!!  No we are griping!  There is a difference. bear_grin

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

My pet peeve? People who drive too close behind you, especially when you are already over the speed limit  :whistle:.

And people who try to direct the traffic to allow you to get out of your drive-way onto the main road...this has happened to me twice recently  :twisted:. The helpful souls doing the 'directing' have blocked my view of the road, and then wondered why I've refused to take them up on their kind offer....  :|.

Oooh, nothing like a good whine is there?!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

nothing like a fine whine.....

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

It bugs the bejeebers out of me when the kids or hubby get comfy on our sofa, which has a lot of throw pillows... rearranging them hither and yon, to suit personal taste... and then they get up and simply walk away for the night, leaving the sofa, and all its pillows, looking like a scrambled mess.  Guess who gets to rearrange every time?

It also bugs me when people who claim to love animals, like many who work at shelters and humane organizations, behave so upturned-nosingly-superior to many people actually WANTING those in-need pets... to the extent that they will turn willing owners, and thier homes, away.  Reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry deals with the Soup Nazi.  Sometimes it feels like these animal loving folks -- who love animals so much, they think those animals are better off at the humane society than in a loving home -- might be the Pet Nazis!

I've never actually had this happen to me, but I've heard of it happening, too often to kind and wellmeaning people, who might not have as much money or as many resources as some other people might have.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

jenny wrote:

nothing like a fine whine.....

How 'bout this one...

"Do you want some cheese to go with that whine...?"

Man, did I hate hearing that, as a kid.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Do you gals in the isles find that there is a specific demographic group that stands on your heels in queue and breathes down the collar of your blouse?
Some cultures have much closer 'personal space' limitations than others. 

Where I am I don't think they would get away with it because it would be assumed they were druggies trying to get at your wallet, and we just turn around and tell them off.

Oh, but we do.

One has to protect one's self, you know.

Perhaps you all don't know about "meth-mouth"

Deadly!  Truly deadly.  :rolleyes:


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Where should I start! people using access cards (those not familiar it is a debit card for welfare) on cigarettes! Liars, cheaters.... I really hate being lied to, i can think of nothing that ticks me off more.. people who stand too close freaks me out too.....

My hubby and I call the "in my personal space" thing being "in my bubble" LOL

like "get out of my bubble" aka standing to darn close

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Oh, I thought of something else... I hate being stared at... drives me bonkers!  bear_laugh

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Rude people...those who are rude just because they can be for no apparent reason. 

No-it-all's...those people who seem to know everything about anything...they are especially irritating when they obviously have no idea and talk themselves in a circle.  I'm related to one...AUGH

Name droppers...

And that personal space thing...I've actually asked someone to please move back...I was a course glared at the entire time afterwards but at least I didn't have to feel their beer breath down my neck...EWWWWWWWWW!!!

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_thumb Shelli, you reminded me of my other pet peeve!! Excuse me if I go on a bit, here . . . :wacko:

I think our local Humane Society saves jobs in the adoption dept. for the people with the weakest people skills. It seems to me that if you're interviewing a potential animal-owner, you need to know how to get out of them the information you need--lifesyle, facilities, attitude toward discipline, tolerance of mess and noise, commitment to making it work.

In my experience, these ijits know even less about the animals than they do about the people. We've had a few difficult experiences trying to adopt, one involving a rabbit and the other a pair of rats. In neither case did the interviewer know anything at all about the animals. The rabbit lady hadn't a clue what they ate, but insisted that I had to bring a 'hutch' to carry the bunny home in, or I couln't have it. Now, I've got three 4x3x2 hutches that I made myself over the years, and they're a bit difficult to carry on the streetcar! The rat lady thought the rats looked 'nervous' around my daughter, whereupon she picked them up and cuddled them, while the rat lady shrank back as if she was afraid they'd attack her! 

Since I'm a long-term foster mom for the HS, we had no trouble in the end, but I shudder to think how many animals go homeless because these interviewers have no brains!  :mad:


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