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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi Ladies (and Gentlemen),

I posted this same thread on Nortrh Country Teddy Bears Forum (by the way you should all go a visit there too).

I thought it was too fun of a topic not to start here as well.

I have been told that I look like my bears.  I think that is  not neccessarily obvious features (ie big nose, big feet) but rather the overall essence the bear portrays of it's creator.  Being an artist I put my heart and soul into my work...a part of me is in them.  I am sure you can relate.

When some of you posted pictures on NCTB it was amazing to see that , YES, you do look like your bears!  EVen if YOU do not think so, I  bet we will see the similarities.

SOOOOO, lets see some pictures ladies.  Lots of pictures please!
Here's mine (taken on my 40th birthday :))


Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Mm... I don't think I look like my bears...
me2.png nooj18.png
201-photodefamille2.png tomtom11.png
couleur2.png wood.png

Do I ???

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Heaven forbid that I look like my bears. Joking of course,

   Rita%202.jpg    Stooshie1.jpg

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Wow Judi!

I've seen it happen with pet owners.....

Marion, you are beautiful, while your bears are simply cute..However I think the eye placement is similar and while you have a cute chin that is strong, and gives you a strong woman look, your bears have a prominent chin-not as cute as yours, but still there, prominent,

Very interesting.

    you have the look of someone a person would want to spill their sorrows and woes to0, and your bear, too cute, looks sympathetic and understanding and says; 'there there dear, have a cuppa and we'll talk!"

Judi, this is interesting...The very first thing I notice about you is your eyes, beautiful, striking and intense- guess what girl....your bears have your eyes. 

So there must be a subconscious thing going on when we make our bears...Well, if God made us in His image, it would stand to reason we would do this, even without consciously thinking about it. 

Wow.  Who would have guessed?  Not me.  My friend who got me addicted to this avocation, said a couple of days ago, while she was looking at the site on my computer, that she wished the avatars included pictures of the artist...because she maintains the same thing, that we end up looking like our bears.

Perhaps this happens when we finally decide on our style and have become real artists?  I recognize that I am not a real artist, yet, so I wonder if my bears will begin to look like me as I develop....hmmmm

I know one thing....I DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE MY GOLLIES!!!!:lol::lol:


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh my goodness . . . all of you are so beautiful!!  Just like your bears!  And, Rita, no way you look 66!   Because we are all different in our characteristics, our bears look different, too.  You've all seen what happens when a group of artists takes the same pattern and makes bears that are totally different looking.  I think that what's inside each artist determines what his/her bear is going to look like.  So, whether the resulting bear actually "looks" like its maker or not, that teddy contains LOTS of its creator's spirit!!   bear_ermm  bear_rolleyes   bear_tongue   Boy, I can go on!!  bear_tongue  bear_tongue  bear_tongue

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

SueAnn%20for%20TT.jpg  Hadley.jpg

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Dilu : I tried to match expressions with my photos but I've problem to see the connection... Thanks for the analysis, I think I see a little better now bear_original (and thanks for the kind words bear_original... In fact, now I know I look a strong woman, I will be less shy in the "real" life bear_original ).

I love this topic, hope there will be lots and lots photos !
In fact, I love your faces as much as your bears, girls, and that means a lot bear_original.

Sue Ann : you make bears with smiles as warm as yours ! You are both shiny !

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

What a bunch of beauties!

Now, if i made a bear that looked even REMOTELY like me it would scare the bejeezers out of everyone and i'd never sell another bear in my life!

Unfortunately God - in his infinite wisdom - decided to hit me over the head with the ugly stick :(

BUT, i have been told many many times that i am intelligent, funny, talented, kind and generally an all-round-good-egg but this in no way makes up for the fact that i have a face like a ducks arse!

Oh well, i'm off to make another bear to try and raise a little more cash to help pay for my plastic surgery

Could you all desist from posting photos of yourselves please, unless of course you are uglier than me.

Thank You

Penny - otherwise known as the elephant woman bear_laugh

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well so far I think you ladies look WONDERFUL!  And YES, Marion, you DO look like your beautiful bears.  I really love the one laying on his side:D

Sue Ann. YAY!!  I finally get to put a face to all your posts:D:D:D:D:P You look great!

I think our bears reflect our inner selves.

I am definitely hoping, and wanting, to see more of you out there.:D

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

My bears look like a combination of.... ready?... my hubby and my dog!!! They have hubby's close together eyes and ocassionally his belly while often wearing the dog's quizzical or innocent expression with a serious mouth. They do not look like me!! I'll go search for pics.....

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Penny, you're kidding us, of course!!  bear_happy  I looked at the photo of you on your website and found you to be QUITE attractive!!  And I'm NOT kidding!!  So, ladies, go ahead and post your photos . . . Penny is kidding!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh such beautiful ladies.

I think Daphne is just passing the buck. She doesn't want us to see her photo.........

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Oooh, I don't know!  Spot the human below! bear_happy :)

Miguelwithme.jpg Boogiewoogie1.jpg Melounge.jpg TheLynxEffect.jpg Mowzel.jpg

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

You are sooooo cute, Paula . . . just like your bears!!  bear_laugh

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Hi there Babes

I no longer look like elephant woman as i woke up this morning with two HUUUUUUGE spots on my nose :o

I now look like yesterdays leftover pepperami pizza :/

And NO, i will not be posting a piccy of myself unless i can find a paper bag to put over my head

Penny bear_tongue


I found a paper bag bear_tongue

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

I suppose I do look like my bears (Well, they look like me) since they look older than they really are.  Sometimes I think people look at me like I'm an old granny (I'm 47).  I decided many years ago that I would not dye my hair when it started greying.  It is and I'm not.  Why is it that a man is considered to look distinguished when he begins to grey but a woman is just old.  How fair is that?  Well you're only as old as you feel.  Some days that's great, others I don't want to talk about.

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Girls,
                Paula, what great pictures, Love all your bears.  Penny ,you look fine to me, scaredy-cat for not putting up your piccie. Sue -Ann ,you do look lovely just like your bears.  Hugs Rita xxxx

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177


- the reason a man is still considered attractive as he ages is because womens eyesight degenerates in a direct ratio to a mans delapidation

Penny - middle-aged, fat and ugly but BOY am i great bear_laugh

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Penny, I share your indignation that as we approach middle age some of us gain wrinkles but fail to lose those dreaded "spots."  I'd love to jump right into the anti-aging face cream fray but the truth is, my complexion isn't yet ready to give up the Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid treatments it sadly still requires to stay clear of those disgusting, icky, teenage curses known here in America as "zits."  Ugh.  There is something truly and deeply unfair about an ever-deepening crease between my eyes, next to which is the occasional hideous bump.  I'm assuming someday -- maybe when I'm 86 -- this plague will leave me.  Until then, I guess it's just a reminder that while some of my parts are advancing in age, many others remain utterly stuck in adolescence (or infancy; just ask my husband for verification on that!) 

We are all of us physically imperfect.  That's what makes life interesting!  If, sometimes, a bit "spotty"... :)

I love looking at all these photos of you, the friends I've come to "know" via this strange and wonderful medium of the internet.

And YES, I do think that most of you look, at least in expression (not in hirsutism, that I can see anyway!), like your bears!

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

I know what you mean Shelli

I've got the skin of a 14 year old, covered in grease - spots and BIG open pores yuk!
If i use any brand of anti-aging cream i break out!!!!!
I look forward to the day when i'm all old and dried up as it means i will be able to wear make-up without it sliding off my face :D

Greasy Penny bear_ermm

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh my goodness, each and everyoone of you beautiful ladies are simply that I see your faces I feel like we really are friends...I would do the same but my site is having problems....but I will get to the bottom of it!

And Judi is right- our bears do end up resembling us in some way-

Marion I would never believe you to be shy by looking at your picture.  You truly are simply beautiful.

Penny Penny Penny....when was the last time you looked at a 'ducks arse'?  I live in a very rural area and see ducks as a matter of course and honey, they have really cute 'arses'.....all fluffy and feathery and they wiggel when they walk, and giggle when they

Paula I love your bears in the natural setting, they are so wonderful and I especially like their extra big feet...too tooo cute.  I do that with my minis sometimes so that the poor little guys can stand up...

Shelli you are so right-what a great idea Judi had....

Thank you all for about the lurkers comeone don't be shy, you know we are just plain gonna love you!


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

OK Wonks
I don't have a face like a ducks arse - replace that with a spotty baboons bum!


Penny bear_tongue

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Penny and Dilu
when I'm feeling blue
all I need is a quick dose of you!

While out to eat on my Dad's 61st b'day last weekend my mother exclaims "Oooo Daphne, look at those grey hairs!" She was thrilled to see them all sticking out there on the top of my head above my left eye. She's had gray hair as long as I can remember. At 35 wouldn't you think she'd have a little sympathy for me? No way!!

I think that when gray hairs arrive those darned zits should retire!!! All you have to do is LOOK at my face and a zit pops up! My bears don't have zits or gray hairs above their left eye so they can't POSSIBLY look like me!!!:lol:

My bears DO look like me on the inside... soft and squishy and full of love and hugs!

Hugs, Daphne

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Penny, you'll have me wearing "Depends" before my time, Girl!! :P:lol:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

What do you mean Laure?
What is a 'Depend' -  I've never heard of it, is it for a hernia or something?


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