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AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Hi there!   bear_original

It's been a long time since i've posted here.  I wanted to drop by and show off some award winners from my state fair.  I am thrilled with how well i've done this year.  I've never entered any of the teddy bear categories before because the traditional way of making bears is just awe inspiring and frankly I didn't think I stood a chance.  I was very surprised with how well I did.  bear_original   I guess there's something to be said for taking chances huh?  bear_flower

1st place in a teddy bear category.

Lousy pic but 1st place in a teddy bear category.

2nd place in a teddy bear category.

1st place in a decorative toy category.

Did not place.

Did not place.

Did not place.

Natascha LeftyBears by Natascha Sabo
Posts: 314

Congratulations!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Your winners are absolutely fabulous!
And those that did not place as well.

binglebears bingle bears
Upstate, NY
Posts: 1,559

Congratulations! :clap: They are all wonderful! bear_wub

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

Wonderful, your work is wonderful

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

They're all gorgeous, and your giraffe wins first place in the AAA category (Adorable African Animals), according to me:)


artbyrjandreae artbyrjandreae
Johannesburg, California
Posts: 208

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  bear_thumb  bear_wub

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,970

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Thank you very much for your comments everyone!  I really appreciate it.   bear_original

Becky - An AAA category sounds great to me.  bear_grin  Thank you!

Jigpaws Jigpaws
Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 564

WOW Narelle.......your work is stunning!!! I just LOVE your giraffe  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Congratulations on your winners  :clap:  :clap:


Posts: 1,586

bear_wub all needlefelted correct?  Just a great job for each and every one, you sure do deserve those awards.  I love them so much, I will get into that one of these days.
Hugs Pat

susiray Bear-Hands
Algarve, Portugal
Posts: 482

well done they are all excellent but the giraffe is so sweet.

hugs susan

danceswithteddybears Dances With Teddy Bears
Pacific Northwest
Posts: 697

Hi Narelle and Congratulations on all your wins!
Your work is stunning, I love all of them!!!  bear_wub

AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Thank you so much everyone! 

Pat - Yes all needle felted. :)

I got a MASSIVE surprise when I went in to see my critters at the fair/show today.  I wasn't aware of it until I got there but there was an error with the online results.  My giraffe and bunny both won awards in the needle felted category!  My giraffe has a 1st place blue ribbon attached and my bunny had a 2nd place red ribbon attached.  I was SO shocked that I actually cried. LOL!

Birgitta's bears Uppsala, Sweden
Posts: 796

No wonder you got price for all the gorgeous critters you have done!
Amazing lovely work! What a talent!


AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Thank you Birgitta!  bear_wub

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

bear_shocked  I can not imagine needle felting those...they are beautiful!  I root my babies with a very very thin felting needle and it takes me forever to get one done.  How long does it take you to do a bear?  Must be several forevers!!!

AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Thanks Lenora!  bear_original   I usually spend anywhere from 25 - 40 hours on each creation.  The giraffe....that was 40+...I lost count after that. LOL!  He's much bigger than I usually make.

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Do those judges not realize how LONG it took to keep every single bit of colored fiber in its own place and off of the white? Someone should have given them (and EVERY SINGLE other judge of Needle Felting in the future!) a minimum  half lesson in needling... and perhaps they'll have a better appreciation for the excellence of work like yours!

That darling giraffe especially can move into my house any day!!!
"It's a keeper"!

AussieFelts AussieFelts
South Australia
Posts: 171

Thank you so much for your kind comment Bobbie!  It really means a lot coming from you.  bear_wub

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