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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi everyone...this may not really be that important to you but it sure is to me.

I feel very silly right now....I had NO IDEA that PM messages are right here on the board.  I thought PM messages went to my email address :doh: :doh: :doh:  Some help advisor I am ..HUH?! :doh: :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface:

I have had several private messages for the past few months that I only just today discovered ......  Just so you all know...I have not been ignoring you.  Your comments are important to me. Just the thought of any of you taking the time to PM me is special.  Thank you so much! bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub

ALSO so you know, I was not at all offend by any recent posts.  You have all been so kind to me and I enjoy being a part of this group.  I took that post as a very big compliment...nothing more.

Group hug everyone (((((((((((((((((((((( :hug: bear_wub :hug:))))))))))))))))))))))))))

This was in our church bulletinthis past Sunday:
A good sense of humor is like a needle and thread, it can mend almost anything.

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

lol, that's pretty rich about the PM.  you're a hoot Judi!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

......eeeekkkk I was having a blonde moment.....I hope that does not offend anyone......I am blonde

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Does that mean i can do me own face lift?!?!?!  :rolleyes:

gurgling with laughter here - sorry

Penny  bear_wub

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379 crack me up Penny! bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh

Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

Hey Judi,

Well you aren't the only one who didn't know about the PM.  I have been ignoring  :redface: :redface: :redface: , without even knowing it, Heather from Calgary for just over a month now. 

I have apologised to her and hope she forgives me.  Im so glad that Im not the only one bear_grin bear_grin


Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Oh my daughter is soooo blonde too (though her hair is darkening now at age 23).  I'll never forget when she was about 13, a friend of ours was spouting off blonde jokes, and she looked him square in the eye and said "Well how stupid are you if you actually think the color of someones hair has anything to do with their intelligence?"

I laughed so hard.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Way to go, Deb's daughter!!!  Yep, I was blonde until mine started getting darker in my 20s - 30s.  Think that's what happens to naturally light headed people as they age.  I never knew about dumb blonde jokes until Marilyn Monroe came along.  And I know she started out as a brunette, so don't think there is any reason to associate lack of intelligence with blondes.  AND I really don't think Marilyn (or Norma Jean) was dumb . . . just very vulnerable and taken advantage of.  Sheesh . . . how did I get on this thread???

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

SueAnn ~ Funny you should mention Marilyn.  I just saw a news blip the other night on "new" information that allegedly proves Norma Jean's death was not a suicide.  Didn't see the full version though.  I love "Some Like It Hot" ... great movie.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well how stupid are you if you actually think the color of someones hair has anything to do with their intelligence?"

Amen to that sister!  I have used that line before too. BRAVO :clap: :clap: :clap:

I just laugh at myself.  Kind of like the doctor who can't find his stethoscope when its right under his nose. :doh: :doh: :doh:

Yay Jane..we're not alone.  Anyone else want to fess up?  Come, join us.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Well....i'm not blonde but i did once try to dye my hair blonde. No one ever told me that to go from meduim brown (okay Mouse) to blonde you need to strip the colour from your hair first so i slapped the dye on expecting it to transform me into a MM lookalikey but it went a rather strange shade of greeny brass. I decided that i would cut my losses and and cut it really short, as my hair grew pretty quick, and spent the next few months walking around looking like Annie Lennox stroke a Prisoner from Cell Block H stroke refugee.
I was very slim at the time so i think that saved me or i it would have been a total disaster haw haw hoo

Gosh, i have a blonde moment every day if i'm honest, it lasts from when i open my eyes to when i close them at night.

Besides, who cares - everyone wants to be a blonde don't they?  :thumbsup:

Penny - going to bed now

Roxanne Bear Paws by Roxanne
Odessa, Tx
Posts: 917

mmmmm.... I must confess.... My name is Roxanne.... and I am a blonde.......  :P
I have been addicted to the bottle...<bleach bottle>.... since I was 17 years old.

You know what they say,  "Blondes have more fun!"

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

You gals crack me UP.

I have mousey brown hair now, when I was younger it was more blonde.

In College I used the Loreal Bleaching Kits that sell for $10.00 and boy was it blonde. I thought it looked cool. I don't have any pictures other wise I would share. Maybe some time in the future when I drop 100 lbs I'll try it again. Mom just rolled her eyes.
I had my hair stripped out in High School and it turned out quite red. That looked good too.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hey Jared, I'm in love with your mom:  "mom just rolled her eyes"  bear_grin bear_grin

Marilyn was very intelligent, and got what she wanted in a time when American women were still kept pretty much under wraps.....unfortunetly she was very sad and very vulnerable..... :cry:

It is too to bad what happened to her.....

I would love to be blonde.....I'm with Pen-kind of mousey, but I have a very good hairdresser....thank goodness......


melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Judi - It took me a while to click too...I thought that the new messages thing was just saying there were new messages posted on the board.  It wasn't until I accidently clicked on it one day that I discovered a whole new world!   :redface:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Glad to read I haven't been the same not knowing about PM... I thought ewactly like you, Melissa, until the day I clicked on "you have new messages" and found a few old messages from Marie...  :redface:
So I quickly apologised to her...

Hey, girls, you're beautiful, that's what's the most important! Who cares if some guys ennoy you with stupid jokes about blondes???  :P

Beary hugs,

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_laugh Does grey (silver) count? It's almost blonde, sort of. I'm tempted to throw out my L'oreal and go for it!!  :dance:


All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

Judi, you're not alone!  It took me ages to realise I had pm's!  I keep forgetting to check them too ... on another forum I belong to, an email message is sent to my email address to let me know when I've been pm'ed.  I wonder if that facility is available for this forum?

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

yeah! I didnt figure it either. (I'm a blonde) BUT then I dyed my hair black, ............& like WOW CAPOW!.....I just like knew what that PM thingy was for .....Like wow man !!! I like know every thing.......... bear_grin bear_grin bear_wacko

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
gotobedbears wrote:

Besides, who cares - everyone wants to be a blonde don't they?  :thumbsup:

Noooooooooo .... RED (well, auburn).  Love it.

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Judi - thankyou for bringing this up because i didn't realise about the private messages either. i assumed you would get a notificaiton saying you have a private message. i just checked mine and found 3 messages so im SORRY everyone who i may unknowignly ignored for the past few weeks hehe

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862
matilda wrote:

yeah! I didnt figure it either. (I'm a blonde) BUT then I dyed my hair black, ............& like WOW CAPOW!.....I just like knew what that PM thingy was for .....Like wow man !!! I like know every thing.......... bear_grin bear_grin :wacko:

Wow that's how to do it. I am (dark) blond and would never have figured this out on my own bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

I too have wondered why there is no indication of a new message. I only got one so far, but I expected either to get an email notification or to see an indicator next to the messages link.

Perhaps this can go on the wishlist to Quy?  bear_wub  :whistle:


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Well i have brown hair (natural) but one day i WILL get the pink highlights i have always wanted ;)
i do have blonde highlights tho at the moment so i guess that makes me brown-blonde for the time being !

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hey you guys!!!

Know what I love about this whole thing?  The help advisor who usually has the most problems with computers, I am not nameing any names DILUDILUDILUDILUDILU knew to read the messages, just couldn't figure out how to clear them... bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

Judi darlin, I can only imagine how full your poor in box was!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Isn't life fun? :dance:

:hug: bear_wub :hug:


And they say we do the most learning between birth and 5 years old.... bear_wacko

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

OK, the private message thing is news to me.   LOL!  Luckily, nobody had contacted me, or I would've left them hanging FOREVER!!!


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