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rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Lily's out of the den and baby's bawling her head off... wobbling around...

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I must have been watching the same time as you were Bobby.  The wobbly baby Hope crying for mom.  I am hooked.

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

I saw Lily's white collar and she moved her head and one blinking eye appeared in the camera on Monday; that's the only thing I've seen except that expanding and contracting back for 3 months.
So I was totally shocked when I hit the Play button and Baby's bawls screamed out at me! Forgo the speakers were on... Wow does that youngun have lungs!

I had no idea the den was so shallow.
Lily was apparently not too far away; within 5 minutes she was back. I think the baby relieved itself then. She removed' all traces and scraped new dirt over the bedding while the baby nursed and the settled in for the night.
I'm captivated too.

I'll be out-of-the house tomorrow, but will be watching as much as possible in the next week, as I expect the den will soon not see their return....

Theodore B. Bear Posts: 114

bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub Cute baby !!!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Lily's been coming out of the den more and more lately.  Especially when the good Dr. Lynn Rogers goes to visit her bringing grapes for her to eat.  Think it won't be too long until Lily and Hope leave the den.  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Bobbie - you've just been a bit unlucky in your viewing times! Some days it seems that all you ever see is a pile of softly breathing fur - but little Hope has been much more active recently......... if you check on the link to video clips, there's heaps more to see! All the "best bits" have been and are being   collated into "highlights" by one of the Facebook members.....well worth a look!
Plus, Dr.Rogers/Sue Mansfield daily notes are full of info........
and yes - that bear child has a good pair of lungs on her - and she seems very fond of the sound of her own voice!

joibear Tickled Pink Bears
Durango, Colorado
Posts: 467

Oh I'm so excited, I just popped in on Lily and Hope and there was Hope.  Soooo cute OMG!!!!BabyHope2.jpg

Then Lily came back...

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

I saw too! She makes me laugh! Such a mama's girl and a bit spoiled!
She has my heart!!  bear_wub
I love her death!!! bear_wub  bear_wub

Clarebear Fulrfun Bears
Alice Springs
Posts: 503

I'm so excited after what feels like months of watching a black blob move occasionally I have finally seen the baby!

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Did you all catch the action yesterday? Lynn Rogers trying to retrieve Lily's collar from the den, after she skilfully removed it?  If you missed it, Lynn visited the Lilypad in the morning, and Lily flatly refused to come out (!) - when he went back later in the afternoon, she emerged, but left Hope SITTING on the collar.........a CONSPIRACY! This was yesterday evening, our time, and I was trying to watch TV. keep up with the live tennis scores (on-line) from Indian Wells AND watch the Den there's multi-tasking!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  Lily and Hope have left the den . . . it's so sad looking at that empty spot that used to have a lot of screeching and chittering.  I REALLY hope they return for the night.  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad  bear_sad

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,768

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

YIPPEE!  They did go back to the den for nighttime.

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Yes they did.  bear_original
What worries me the most Sue is the hunters with dogs.
She is just too little to defend herself and I worry about Lily leaving her at times alone.
This is all so silly of me! Not like I could do anything to change it.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

It was rather traumatic, wasn't it? I can't help feeling that Lily is getting a little fed up with being hassled - yesterday, she wasn't too happy with the microphone episode........the way she threw up a WALL of bedding across the den entrance after Lynn had left - almost like she was slamming the door - and it wasn't the first time she'd done that.
after the dog started barking I kept telling myself - as long as they are both OK...........that's ALL that matters. They ARE going to leave the den - and it's the right thing for them. We have been privileged to observe a part of their lives, but we'll just have to let go, and cherish the memories.
Incidentally, Sue posted that the dog owner has promised to keep his dog(?s) penned for a few weeks
Oh lord, it's going to be a LONG day - I went to bed far too late, and slept really badly...........


Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

I hope so Maria. :)
I feel blessed to have been able to watch but I do worry that maybe it's more than Lily can take.
She was not happy in my eyes either. :(
I hate to say I have had bad dreams of one of the dogs getting baby Hope.
Before anyone says "It's natures way" please I know all about nature but I still think the hunters should stay away.

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi Cyndee
I really don't  know anything about the hunting laws in the USA other than what I learn about the bears - and in Minnesota it's only (ONLY?) 6 weeks starting in September. However, Lily is denned on Private land, which should help protect her -  as much as anything can. I agree .- the thought of anything harming little Hope is too awful to even contemplate.
But oh I got cross this morning, reading some of the facebook posts.........demands for a camera near the den so they can keep watching the bears, and even the idea of getting a camera on Lily's collar ! Seems like they are getting their priorities's all about the bears  -  and not us, however much we love them
. Ok - I'm off the soap box now(!) - lots to do before I allow myself another peek into the den!

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Maria it's not the law abiding hunters I'm worried about. It's the ones that are not so thoughtful.
I know the exact location of her den had not been disclosed and I'm thankful for that and I'm sure I'm being overly concerned but I have seen my share of mean and cruel hunters. Please do not misunderstand. I know the good out weights the bad.
My sister owns several acres of wilderness land, private land and yet every year hunters come on to her privately owned land and kill. Many leaving the dead animals behind for us to see.
I'm sure Dr. Lynn will do his best to protect Lily and Baby Hope. bear_original

Post 3/21/10 on Lily's Face Book site.
A few days ago some folks questioned Hope’s progress—worried that she was still so uncoordinated. About 1 PM today she showed us she has the ‘walking thing’ figured out when she left the den to join Lily who was raking nearby. About 40 minutes later, Lily rushed back into the den, turned towards the entrance and blew. Something had frightened her, and Hope was still outside possibly in danger. Lily rushed back out and we heard a dog barking close to the den. We worried for Hope. Sue rushed over to and found Lily and Hope peacefully bedded 10 feet from the den.....

Again I'm grateful all is well and she is well looked after. bear_original

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Yikes - I see what you mean, Cyndee!  I've never lived in an area where much hunting goes on, apart from France. We lived for a few years just across the border from Geneva, and on the lower slopes of the Jura. I got the distinct impression that for the local hunters, it was a fun way to spend sundays - mostly hanging round chatting, smoking and eating  - NEVER saw one with anything he'd actually shot, and come to think of it, never even heard a gunshot. we were always amused by their dogs - I swear it was the only time of year they got any reasonable exercise - they all had bells on their collars, and we'd frequently see one or two dogs  who were obviously off on a jaunt of their own, and were thoroughly enjoying playing truant!
While I have no objection to people hunting for the pot, I hate the idea of hunting just for the sake of killing something - and as for just leaving the dead bodies behind, as on your sister's property - well that's just obscene. Sadly, as you say .- there are some misguided uncaring people out there..................and with all the will (and legislation)  in the world , nothing is 100% safe .

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