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bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Hi guys. I thought it might be fun to ask if there is anything about you that we didn't know about you and maybe even close friends of yours don't know about you?

I will start by telling you I at 49 have a tattoo of an angel on my left arm. When Garnet turned 50 he went and got a tattoo of a weir wolf on his arm and low and behold I got a tattoo too! My Kids were shocked!! I have very close friends who do not know this as it was not a good thing in my day. My Mother rolled over twice in her grave on that day!

Ok guys lets tell all!!

Many Hugs Louise

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

OK guys! Don't want to tell??

Hugs Louise bear_grin

Stephanie Sassy Bears & Fabrics
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 196

Here goes. . . .
I'm 39 and also have a tatoo, a gecko on my right shoulder. He sits right on top and the shading makes him look real.
I am allergic to wheat and gluten so am on a gluten-free diet. Try giving up all bread & pasta. It's not as easy as it sounds! Wheat is in EVERYTHING these days.
I also suffer from panic disorder and seasonal depression. Thank heaven there are medications for that now. No more 'freak outs'. I'm not ashamed to say it, though most people are. It's just a little seratonin problem! bear_original I think too many suffer with this type of thing and never tell anyone because of the stigma.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Well, I've shared this here before, but there are new members - so here goes again.  I take an anti-depressant for
depression/post-traumatic stress disorder and am forever grateful for it!!  No tattoos, but I have a scar on my forehead and have worn bangs all my life to hide it - and I'm 64!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hmmm...  Things people don't generally know about me... those little pockets of hidden embarrasment or shame...

--  I secretly enjoy listening to the songs of American Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson, and of many of those silly boy bands.  I don't own any records by these people -- that would be tangible evidence!  Egads! -- but recognize that these folks have got some truly great pipes;

--  I proudly claim to loathe lawyers, as a group... but actually find their (yes, it's a stereotype) inevitable combination of whip-cracking-quick intelligence and confident arrogance a fascinating duality and intriguing character study, and so somehow end up perpetually surrounded by them, in one way or another (Hi Kim!), all the time, anyway;


--  I have a fabulous visual memory but a truly flawed event memory and directions memory.  I can't remember timelines to save my life, even when the event in question is an important or sentimental one.  And even if I've been somewhere ten thousand times, driving the exact same route each time, I need the directions explained anew to get there, again;


--  I think vegetables, which taste awful but are terrifically good for you, were invented by Satan to torture human beings into guilty compliance, for health's sake.  I eat them as infrequently as I can possibly manage, which is hard to do, since I'm trying diligently to set a good example of healthy, balanced eating for my sons.  So it's lettuce, green beans, carrots, for me every night, all the same.

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Shelli, I used to know someone who rarely ate vegetables. He hated them and  proclaimed 'peas are poison' at every opportunity!!!

Ok, something my friends may not know about me....

I love the Eurovision Song Contest! Every year when that night of splendid entertainment comes around, I pour myself a glass of wine, lock the door, take the phone off the hook and settle in front of the TV for 3 hours of 'nil point'! Fantastique! And for our non-European members who haven't a clue what I'm talking about, here's a link: . I missed the junior one - I'm saving myself for the full blown adult version  bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh. And believe me, it's not something many people admit to.... :wacko:

Something else - I have terrible anxiety problems. It comes and goes, but I worry, worry, worry a lot while it's happening. Panic attacks, palpitations, aches, pains....yuk. Hate it. I've taken anti-depressants in the past too, and beta-blockers, but at the moment I'm trying to manage it myself. And not doing too badly at the moment. Making bears is great therapy!!!

Stephanie Sassy Bears & Fabrics
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 196

Yep! That's an anxiety attack! Horrible aren't they? And people who've never had one just think you are nuts. I tried to manage myself and did OK for years, but it seemed like they got worse and worse as I got older. When they hit several times a day, every day, I decided it was time to go see that doctor. Had to try a couple different meds before we found one that worked for me.

I have this theory that artists are all nuts. Ever think about how the greatest artists in the world were all completely wacko?! Oh, sorry. . . eccentric, odd, touched . . . .there are a hundred polite ways of saying it. I just think creative people walk that fine line between sanity and chaos. Just gotta be careful not to slip!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

HHHHMMM....I drink my vegetables in the form of something called "Greens"...much easier that way.

Most of you may already know this but I am an insulin dependant diabetic since the age of 12.  I am now 40.  I was told when I was diagnosed that I would most likely never be able to have children due to this "disease".  I now have three healthy children, 14,8, and 3.

I really like Michael Jackson's music and the Bee Gee's and Disco and Phantom of the Opera type music.
I love latin salsa and dance music  and my favorite dance to dance is the Mambo and Cha-Cha. :dance:

I really like Spam...... :dance:

Biggest secret (which will be no more ) I sleep with a teddy bear. bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

hmmmm..... things my friends don't know but that I'm willing to divulge on the world wide web.....HMMMMMM!!  bear_laugh  :wacko:

You all, as well as my friends & family, know my health problems so those are nothing juicy and exciting.

All the secrets I can think of are really embarrassing, humiliating!!!!  :redface:

Shelli, I thought CHOCOLATE was a veggie!!??? I think Satan created fruit too along with the veggies!  :twisted:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Does chocolate in the SHAPE of vegetables count?

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568
Judi wrote:

HHHHMMM....I drink my vegetables in the form of something called "Greens"...much easier that way.

I've tried 'em..... a clothespin on the nose and a chaser of chocolate milk was necessary to get through it!!
Man, am I baby, or what!??!!

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I didn't know you were diabetic wonderful you were able to have your family despite it!  bear_thumb As for Spam, do you mean the luncheon meat stuff (yum!) or the 100's of unwanted e-mails we all get???!  :lol:

Stephanie, yes, it's truly horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm really glad you found something that worked for you. I did start a course of tablets last year but they made me feel so odd for the first few days that I stopped taking them. I was fine over the summer but now the winter is here, I have that edgy feeling again  :(.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Yes, Helena, SPAM...the kind you eat.  So many people are grossed out by it but I love it.  I even like the saying, "I'm Pink, therefore I'm Spam." bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh  Also, so much has changed in the medical world since I was I want to see a cure.  They keep saying they are close.

Daphne. I call my veggie drink "grass clippings" because that is what it looks like.  It is supposed to be equal to eight servings of vegetables....has an "interesting" taste.  I can see where a chocolate milk chaser would fit in quite nicely. bear_thumb This is not to be confused with Sea Vegg...another green 'thing' I eat.  Dried up seaweed which claims to have all kinds of health benefits...hhhhhhmmmmmm.....not sure if it actually does anything though.

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I'm with you on the Spam then, Judi. We used to have spam fritters for lunch at school - I would always choose them when they were on the menu!!! Great comfort food.

Now....I'm not so sure I like the sound of 'grass clippings'.... bear_grin

Mutz Mutz's Tootsz Bears & Buds
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Posts: 397

Interesting little things we are learning about teddy bear artists!

This is no big secret to many of my Off Line friends.  I love to travel.  I was was fortunate enought to go to Hong Kong about ten years ago.  I loved it and will go back someday.  I loved the contrast of old and new and all the friendly people. It was a great place to visit for so many people spoke English.

I have also been to various Carribean islands my favorites being St Thomas, Barbados & Aruba.  I have also been to Mexico --- Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo being my favorites there.  I have also meen able to travel the US including New York cit as a young girl (my parents let me save enough money to visit a friend by myself at 13) San Fransisco, and New Orleans. 

My dream trips will someday be to visit Australia and to visit India, and the more Orient (Singapore would be grand) and then there is England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Russia, and anywhere else my mind takes a fancy too.  Don't think I want to see Alaska, too much like home with the snow although I would love to see a moose or a polar bear in the wild.

Along with that I love to photograph the places I go. So much to see and remember when I get back to snowy Wisconsin!


By the way I love vegetables in any form!

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Oh dear .... I guess I am a food aholic ..... I really hate being fat( there I have said it )I go on diet after diet lose the weight and bingo I start to eat again .... I mean chocolate cake biscuits ..... I never had a sweet tooth until I gave up smoking 14yrs ago and I just can't seem to stop myself ..... noone  really see's me eating as I do tend to hide them ...... I really am ashamed of my self  after I have eaten ... I don't know why I do it .... the only thing I can think of is I enjoy it while I am eating it .... I can't believe I have put this down.... I am 58 ..... I used to be a slim size 10-12... now I go between 16 - 20. I also get into depressions I do try and deal with it myself... and most of the time I am fine these days, it was alot worse when I was younger.

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Interesting topic...but I'm a complete bore...most of my friends know just about everything there is to know about me...I'm pretty much an open book...what you see is what you get. may not know...

Shantell is my middle name

I love veggies...except beets and okra...and rarely eat meat...especially pork

In addition to glaucoma...I also have MS (I'm pretty sure I've said that before)

Shelli, I have Kelly Clarkson's latest's can borrow it  :lol:

Oh, I almost forgot and I could be shunned from the it goes...I'm not overly fond of chocolate...can take it or leave it...yes, I occasionally get a weird craving but not often.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

All of you are veeeerrrrrryyyyy interesting!!  I love, love most fruits and veggies - except for figs, dates, and mushrooms (yech!!).  And you Kelly Clarkson fans . . . she grew up in Burleson, Texas - about an hour away from me.

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Hmm not everyone knows I have two tatoos - one on the shoulder of a Unicorn with a star and the  other on my thigh is a huge dragon - well okay not huge but 4 x 4 inches is pretty big

I am allergic to carbohydrates (yes that includes chocolate which makes me come out in bumps if I eat more than a mouthful!!) Vegetables mainly make me sick ( as in yuck sick) although I do like potatoes - however mostly they bring me out in bumps tooo - for years my arms were so scarred - the food gave me bumps - I scratched the bumps till they bled and then the scars - so now I avoid lots of things - oh yes one thing removed or quietened my allergies - when I was carrying my daughter - bit of an extreme constant cure however bear_grin bear_grin

Panic attacks I can relate to - I get them sometimes too and the dark days/nights can really make me down - but I hate the doctors so I will 'bear' with it!!
but does anyone get rage attacks ?? My best cure for them is to be alone and scrub a floor or go mad cleaning!!
Oh well after all that probably everyone will think I am a nut !!
But honest I am okay in patches  bear_grin bear_grin

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Nope, Anne, you're not any nuttier than the rest of us!  I'm going to quote Patty Duke here . . . "Thank goodness for Teddy Bears!"

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Judi - I drink Super Greens... an icky powdery green flaky stuff... just add water!  bear_laugh  :P

Shantell - So??????? What's your first name?

Patsy - I'm a closet eater... I even hide it from my hubby! This didn't happen until I quit working due to health reasons and we bought this house in the woods... I don't get out much so my new best friend is Mr. Carbohydrate!!! Funny about my hiding it from my hubby..... I can't hide the fact that I've gained 25 pounds since we got married!!! I feel so icky, get mad at myself... my doctors can lecture me until they are blue in the face but it doesn't do any good. Being diabetic for 24 years I know ALL about balanced meals. But when Chocolate or Peanut Butter call my name it's all over!!!!

There, now you all know my secret.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

SueAnn wrote:

I'm going to quote Patty Duke here . . . "Thank goodness for Teddy Bears!"

And, interestingly, Patty Duke is bipolar.

Hmmm... There seems to be a pattern here...


jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

I have a big secret cant tell no one knows all right i will tell i am addicted to pain killers you see i get migraines every night yes i said every night at about 3 am it sure stinks when that happens, so if i don't take a pill i don't get up ,and i have to get up to much to do ,my friend no i get migraines but they don't know about the pills as i don't tell anyone  well now its out

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Dont tell and i wont we will keep it between us.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I won't tell, Fran! 

Shelli, Patty Duke spoke at the TOBY Awards Banquet when Linda Mullins hosted it at her 2001 August show and did mention her battle with being bipolar.  Her parting words were, "Thank goodness for Teddy Bears!"

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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb