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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Sandi, What a wonderful sister. Such a great gift you are giving her. I hope all goes well!

As a diabetic on 4-6 shots per day for the last 24 years I can tell you that the needles aren't scary. In fact you'll hardly feel it. Once you get through the first few times it'll be pretty easy. Be glad this wasn't 15 years ago or more when the needles seemed HUGE compared to how they are now. Not like the blood drawing needles! They are short and thin. If you can tolerate a stab in the finger when sewing bears rest assured this will hurt less!

When I was first diagnosed the nurse had me practice on an orange before stabbing myself!

I don't know if they'll tell you there is one place you have to give it or if you'll have multiple locations to rotate. I know everyone is different but I find my belly the easiest place... hurts the least! OK, so I have a bit of 'padding' there which does help. I find my upper arm is a good place too.

I'm sure I can speak for Judi as well as myself when I say if you need moral support we're here. Lucky for you it's just temporary. It's harder to do when you know you'll be doing it the rest of your life!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh wow, Sandi . . . what a generous thing to do --- donate your eggs!!  Can't tell you how marvelously unselfish that is!  Hats off to you!

I DEFINITELY think there is a connection between our various health/mental/emotional issues and the bear loving/making that we do.  Perhaps the underlying common denominator is comfort.  And maybe comfort is the same reason most of us dote on animals of all sorts . . . they give us unconditional love and acceptance - no strings attached.  With all our flaws, animals and teddy bears never criticize, try to control, abuse, debase, or manipulate us . . . or try to steal our chocolate!  Gollies, on the other hand . . . . . . (no, no, Dilu - just teasing!)  Rock on, all you terrific ladies and guys!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Shelli - Perhaps we should do a study...... publish it... make millions?????????  bear_noexpression  bear_original  bear_rolleyes  bear_grin  bear_laugh

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Thank you for the reassurance, Daphne. I'm sorry for being such a wuss when it is just a temporary thing.  :redface:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I don't think you are being a wuss!!!!
Granted I was only 11 years old when diagnosed but it took me 6 months before I could give myself my own shot! 6 MONTHS!!! My family was starting to offer me money if I'd do it! I made $100 when I finally did!
You are not being a wuss!  bear_grin

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Lets see what I can come out of the closet with...... bear_happy I am perfectly healthy, for the most disorders. I talk to all of my stuffed animals and miniture bone china collection.  bear_ermm I talk to any animal I find outside. I love most veggies, and am on a See-food diet (I see it, I eat it) have gained about 35 pounds since we moved north 6 years ago.

I love the area we live in, but am very lonely. I don't work outside the house except occasional Red Cross classes I teach, so spend most of my time alone at home with my bears. People here in the North Country are very nice, but if you aren't from here and have no history with them, you won't be invited "in"  bear_sad

I have been told that I am difficult to get to know, which I know I am. But once I start talking, watch out!  bear_shocked One would think with the jobs I have had, that I would be very out-going, but I am jobs have included teaching First Aid, CPR and swimming classes, driving school bus and choir director at my church, also Girl Scout Leader.  I would just rather stay in the back and not be seen.

If I am in a group and finally decide to say something, I get very nervous  :redface:, but things usually work out. Finally, 30 years after graduating High School, I graduated college (class of 2001) Enjoyed college the 2nd time around, much easier to do the work, and I made fun of the 'Traditional" students and their lack of knowledge of things that I lived through....... bear_rolleyes

I have a couple of big fears: Number 1 is Spiders....I can't stand them, call my husband to get rid of them, by whatever means he sees fit. I love to camp and canoe, but have a fear of night time and being alone......... bear_noexpression

I have never lived on my own. Married my husband at age 20 when I still lived at home and we have been together for almost 32 years. I love to trip was to Antarctica where I would return to in an instant if I could find someone to pay my way. I would love to get to China to visit the Moon Bears and Panda Bears.

All of you with health problems are in my prayers...... :pray:

God Bless you all.........Ellen  :hug:

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

This is an interesting thread! I can't think of anything that people don't know about me because I am also pretty much an open book.
I like nearly all vegetables, except brussel sprouts, they are just plain gross!
I like chocolate but I LOVE ice cream!
I like most of the reality TV shows especially the singing Idol ones like American Idol & Canadian Idol and if we could get ones from other countries I would watch those too.
I am fortunate enough not to have any major health problems. The one problem that I do have is that I bite my fingernails and at the age of 54, I don't think that I will grow out it any time soon. This has become an even bigger problem because it is really hard to photograph tiny bears and keep my ugly hands out of the picture!! bear_original I could sure use a hand double ..... any offers?   bear_grin bear_grin

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
Terrie wrote:

The one problem that I do have is that I bite my fingernails and at the age of 54, I don't think that I will grow out it any time soon. This has become an even bigger problem because it is really hard to photograph tiny bears and keep my ugly hands out of the picture!! bear_original I could sure use a hand double ..... any offers?   bear_grin bear_grin

Terrie ~ ME TOO!  That's why I treat myself to acrylics.  I work 40 hours, then fix dinner and clean and make teddy bears.  I'm not a clothes horse, I don't smoke, do drugs, or have any other habits or vices.  So I have my nails done.  Takes 45 minutes every other week.   bear_grin

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Wow guys!  I seem quite uninteresting compared to all this!  Well..... I am a lawyer..... It's generally something that I don't even tell people, because I am so NOT the stereotypical lawyer.   I am terrified of speaking in public.... much less when someone is writing it all down.  I've NEVER done a trial... well, that's not completely true.  I did act as a prosecutor at my son's school when they did a mock trial.... Peter Rabbit was accused of trespassing and stealing veggies, etc.... And I was such a nervous wreck about even doing that... just pretending to be a lawyer in front of a bunch of kids!  Now, when it comes to the paperwork part of law, I have no problems.... I was a Philosophy major in college, so i can argue the pants off anyone... just only on paper!  The only time I ever had any part of trial work was when I was a guardian ad litem (that's a lawyer appointed by the court to act on behalf of the best interests of the children/the children's wishes in fairly messy divorce cases).  That's really almost more like a social work thing.  You are a witness as opposed to the person directing the whole deal.  Anyway, it's something that I don't often ever mention to anyone because obviously, people do often assume that you are a public speaking trial lawyer type, and I am just so NOT that!

Shelli wrote:

I proudly claim to loathe lawyers, as a group... but actually find their (yes, it's a stereotype) inevitable combination of whip-cracking-quick intelligence and confident arrogance a fascinating duality and intriguing character study, and so somehow end up perpetually surrounded by them, in one way or another (Hi Kim!), all the time, anyway;

Hi right back at ya Shelli!   bear_grin   :hug:   I agree with you whole heartedly Shelli about the whole "lawyer thing."  I am surrounded by them as well... my husband is a real, stereotypical lawyer, with a whole gang of real lawyer friends, and when ever we go out with them, I am always shaking in my shoes that I am going to have to SPEAK about the law!  I just can't compete at all verbally, so I generally just keep my mouth closed about the whole thing and try to talk more to the non-lawyer spouses!   

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

my secrets are unrepeatable  bear_innocent

Penny  bear_innocent

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh, but Pen we can just imagine!! Knowing you they are juicy, hillarious and worth writing a book about!!  bear_laugh  bear_laugh


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

CHEEKY MOO  bear_laugh  bear_grin  bear_tongue

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
gotobedbears wrote:

CHEEKY MOO  bear_laugh  bear_grin  :P

Well at least tell us what cheeky moo means ...  bear_grin

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

LOL yes, we want to know!

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

it means cheeky cow  bear_tongue

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Sandi, I have been giving myslef insulin injections since I was 12 years old.  I am 40 now and take about three to five shots a day.  Daphne covered everyitng really so all I can reinforce is that it is not as bad as it seems.  The shots are vritually pianless due to the fine needles that make now.  Just remember to use "dart" action when injecting and you won't feel a thing.  Like Daphne said, you will always find support here. :hug: :hug: bear_wub bear_wub

I love chocolate but cannot eat it so I just talk about it.  When I do eat it...on really makes me feel icky, so I am better off with out it.  Chocolate increases seratonin and so does Ballroom dancing and teddy bears.  I am an RN and when I worked in a nursing home , every resident was given a teddy bear.  Hugging a teddy bear reduces stress. bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub

I like praying mantises but am afraid of spiders, at leats the big ones with hairy legs.

Kimmy, I also take a bear along with me for car rides. Hey, you are never to old for the love of a teddy bear. bear_wub bear_wub

Come one Penny...cave.....just one!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Oh...I have to do the daily injection thing too...only it's just once a day.  I'm lucky that I have a little "autoject" mechanism that I just load the syringe in...and hit a button...wait about 10 seconds and it's done...barely feel it.  And...I agree the belly is the best place.  Mine isn't for's for far it had kept it from progressing too much and I'm sooooooooo thankful.

I also get shots in my's true...I think my doctor has a sadistic side  :love:

I don't take medicine for depression...I have...but it makes me feel I have absolutely no feelings whatsoever.  Strange huh?

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645
shantell wrote:

I also get shots in my's true...I think my doctor has a sadistic side  :love:

Shots in your eye?  you just made the hair stand up on my neck...

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

I just can't girls - none of my secrets are repeatable on a respctable beary site  bear_whistle

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_shocked :hug: Laura,  :hug:

I'm so glad you got away from that guy. Yikes.

The first boyfriend of my eldest was a bit like that, and it scared us to death. He was needy and controlling and manipulative in ways I couldn't begin to understand. Fortunately she dumped him, and we got to keep the dog!!

I know a number of women who escaped relationships like these, and even they can't quite explain what happened. Eeeevil.


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original So . . . Pennykins, will you tell us if we guess right? Hmmm?  :whistle:


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Go For It Eileen  :twisted:

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:redface: :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface: :redface:


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Yep - i guess you guessed right  bear_thumb

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Terrie ~ ME TOO!  That's why I treat myself to acrylics.  I work 40 hours, then fix dinner and clean and make teddy bears.  I'm not a clothes horse, I don't smoke, do drugs, or have any other habits or vices.  So I have my nails done.  Takes 45 minutes every other week.

That is a good idea, Deb! I hadn't thought of that!!!

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb