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lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Why can't I cope with everything????
It all began Thursday. This was not suposed to bring me into such a Spleen feeling...
After all, these were potentially good news: an hypothetic opportunity to work with my dad for two weeks, plus an opportunity to apply for a one year position in my PhD lab.
It just caused me a huge STRESS.... Oh dear! A big panic, really...
The two-week work is supposed to begin next monday. Not much to time to organize if I happen to be chosen, and I still don't know!!!!!! Oh my god!
First I have to prepare my folder to send to four referees for Qualification (our French passport to apply to Lecturer positions). I need to have it ready by saturday. This evening, I spent a lot of time to get my referees' details on Internet. It finally appeared that the e-mail addresses I found were not the good ones, so impossible to get in touch with them by e-mail.  I hope I will get luckier with the phone numbers I found. i will try tomorrow.
Then I have this formation that takes me every day of this week from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Out of that I have to find time to go to the gym (good to help me empty my mind which is now boiling).
I need to find time to go to the supermarket to buy some food (the fridge is not far to be empty). when I asked Malko if he could go to the small supermarket tomorrow to buy a few things he got angry and said he had no time!!! that's false! mister prefers to spend his afternoon in his friend's workshop helping him to repair cycles rather than helping me! so we had an argument about that! the supermarket is less than 500 m far from our flat and it will take him maximum 15 minutes! Poor little one! Men are sometimes sooooo unfair and selfish! I thought that if I was asking him to buy just the minimum, he would accept without arguing.... I will have to go myself to buy more food wednesday or thursday. for sure, he won't propose to come with me.  and he won't even be there to ask me as he will be at his friend's workshop. He never come back home befor 7:00 pm...
I have again forgotten to go to the pharmacy to get my pills (i need some for tomorrow night...) and fear i will forget again tomorrow... Oh dear!
I was about to whash the dishes when I realized that there was not anymore hot water. Malko used ALL the hot water. Tell me why I asked him this morning to be careful not to use too much water so I could have enough to have a shower tonight. WHY????? We have a huge water baloon. i just cannot understand how he managed to used ALL the hot water. so now the dishes are still dirty and I smell. yuk!

In addition, I am very late in my planning with my teddy bear making...
I have to finish the f... hat for my bear: I had to un-sew it a few times, just drove me crazy last week-end. Just could not get the shape I wanted.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
Ann's bear is still in pieces.
I have not begun the baby bear for Malko's niece: it must be ready for Christmas.
Panic, panic, panic.

This morning during the formation, one guy that becomes a specialist at arguing about everything perturbated the group during more than one hour. He was even very insolent with the teacher and even asked her to leave the room because she was not agreeing with what he said!!! This guy is really ennoying. while everyone in the group is doing his best to be optimistic in searching strategies to find a job, he just makes polemics about everything...
bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry bear_angry

Well, that's enough. i stop complaining. Sorry to ennoy you with that...  :redface:

Beary hugs,

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Tell the guy to shut up or get out Sophie - what a bore!

As for everything else - don't worry, buy take-away food put on a good DVD and forget THE LOT!  Not worth worrying about ma chere :D

EAT CHOCOLATE  :rolleyes:

Penny  bear_wub

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Aww, Sophie :hug: Sometimes things just seem too much don't they? When I get like this, I make a mental list of priorities. What do a I need to do? What can wait? I file all the stuff that can wait on one corner of my brain and forget it for a while. Then I take one day at a time....and deal with everything one step at a time.

If all else fails I just accept that's life's a *&£@ sometimes, and eat chocolate!!! (I like Penny's suggestion :P)

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Sophie, I'm sorry that you're feeling so stressed.   bear_sad  I can see why because you do have a lot on your plate.  I like Penny and Helena's suggestions.  Feel free to vent all your want on here - we're here to listen.  bear_original

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sometimes it helps just to explode and let it all hang out, Sophie.  And doing that here on this board among your friends is a really safe place to let it happen.  I agree with Helena . . . prioritize your duties and obligations.  Can you just get some fast food to tide you over until Mr. I-Can't-Be-Bothered gets the message that he needs to help?
Does your bear HAVE to have a hat?  Christmas is still almost a month away . . . the baby bear can wait a little while.  Take a deep breath and pig out on chocolate, my friend!!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Sophie you did the right thing by venting here. Sometimes even just doing that will help a tonne.
Plus, Helena has a great tip. Make a list, helps put things into priority.
And men, well what can I say to that?? They never seem to be using the right brain at the right time. bear_wacko

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:dance: Good for you, Sophie!  :hug:

Boy oh boy have I ever been there!

It isn't possible to cope with everything. Some days it's all you can do to cope with anything. Decide what you want to do and forget the rest! Why shouldn't you make bears when he's fixing bikes? Sheesh, girl, you're a professional!

Order Pizza or Chinese food or whatever when you're hungry, let him eat it cold if he comes in late, and let him wash his own #*&% socks for a while. Look after yourself until he deserves to let you look after him again.

If he gives you trouble, tell him you've got a bunch bears (some with cubs) at your call. As everybody knows (courtesy of Rudyard Kipling), the female of the species is far deadlier than the male! We just need to know it!


Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

oh Sophie,

I'm sorry for all your stress. Sometimes things just all pile up at once. I hate when that happens but I totally understand so vent away!!! Getting it all out of your system might help you feel better.

Making lists and prioritizing  as the others have suggested is good advice. Then just try focus on one thing at a time instead of all of it at once.

Know that I am sending warm and supportive thoughts your way!! :hug:

Eat some chocolate and hug a teddy bear! :love:

Hoping things smooth out soon,

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Several good tips all ready about just doing what's really needed and nothing else.  Men... they can be a bit thick and selfish, can't they?  Too much being raised by Mum, and coddled I think...  again the girls have given you good advice..just ignore his needs til he's willing to take care of himself for a bit.  Afterall, you've got a LOT on your plate....too much actually.

Here,  :hug: have a hug, take a deep breath and let it all out.  Tomorrow will be a better day  :rose:

Edited to say "Hi Bonnie!!!"  Nice to have another Missouri bearmaker on here  :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

:hug: :hug: awww, poor have so much stress right now!  It is so hard, I am so sorry.  J'en suis desolee.....please know that it will get really willl.  My fingers are still crossed, truly, right now I type with my toes!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

Although your description of Malk0 makes me laugh.  How long have you two been together?  Maybe if you tell him the International Order of the Brothers Bruin will kick his butt if he isn't nicer to you?   :dance: :dance:

Maybe if you don't buy anything but eat out before you come home on Wed and Thursday he will realize that he has a part to play in family life if he doesn't want to starve?.  That's part of playing house....everyone has to help out.  bear_cry bear_cry  So sorry Malko isn't playing nice.

Remember your positive side, it will all work out, and you will do great at whatever job you get.  :thumbsup:

just don't hold your breath while you are waiting; you will turn blue  :rose:

:hug: bear_wub  :hug:


Or you could warn him that dilu is going to call up and scold him in very very very poor boarding school French.....that'll scare him!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Sophis  lifes to sort do what Bonnie said focus on one thing at a time

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

girls, I love you soooooo much! You're sweeties!
I already felt better after I wrote my long post yesterday evening.
Today, I felt better. This guy in my formation group was much quieter so we all could a better job... We worked on our CV.
I still have not received any answer concerning the job with my dad...  bear_cry I have to be patient...
When I was back home I noticed that Malko finaly did the shpping I asked him to do and even bought more! I asked him to buy a lot of gratted cheese and he reall bought a lot!!!!! We should have enough for a while!!! I have to confess that we usually eat a lot of gratted cheese!!! so Malko did it and I am releived...
I did not forget to go to the pharmacy... so that is done too...
I have been to the gym and now feel really relaxed.

Oh, much more important: one guy in my formation group brought great chocolate (Lindt). He has them for free. when I told him I was crazy of these chocolates he said me he would bring more  bear_tongue bear_tongue bear_tongue. Yummy yummy!
So I have to confess you are totally right, girls, about the chocolate therapy. Chocolate plus extra magnesium is a good therapy for me.
After dinner, I will be working on Théophile's hat. I have almost finished to sew the main part. I made a long tube in French knitting and sewed it in two layers to give a correct hat shape. Then I will add other colour crochetted chains of whool and some raws of Rocaille beads...

Beary hugs,

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

So glad you're sounding a little better.  I'm glad Malko went to the store and that guy in your group was quieter.  The guy in your group who is bringing you free chocolate - I'm sure many of the girls on here would like to be friends with him!  bear_grin  Chocolate is the answer to everything!   bear_original   I hope you get good news about the job with your dad - let us know.  If you need to vent anymore, vent away!

Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

Glad your feeling better, Sophie! bear_flower

Free Lindt chocolate! Cool! That would raise any chocolate lover's spirits! bear_tongue

We'll keep our fingers crossed about the job with your father.  :pray:

Can't wait to a fully hatted Théophile! Don't forget to post pics, please!


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Yayyyyyy Sophie!!!! s040.gif  r025.gif  s010.gif  m030.gif  m010.gif  g040.gif

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

So glad that your life is sounding roseier  Julia - good luck with the job and making the little hat
and hope that your life can be less stressful and smooth sailing my friend!


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