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Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

I was just doing a workout with a video at home when I heard this rumbling noise and then
a gentle shake and later heard on the radio that there had been 3 earthquakes today on Waiheke Island.
They were only 3 and a half on the Richter scale but enough to get you feeling a little scared.
this is the first time I have ever experinced them here.
Does anybody else have earthquakes where they live?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gosh, Carolyn . . . didn't know New Zealand had earthquakes either.  The people in California are very familiar with earthquakes, and I think Japan experienced one just recently.  We get tornados in my part of the world.  Hope you don't have any more "shakes"!!

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

New Zealand does have a faultline running down the Island.
In 1931 in the Hawkes Bay, the earthquake was the worst natural disaster recorded in NZ history.
It was 7.8 and killed about 258 people.
At the time Napier was a Victorian City and after the quake in came a modern art deco style
of buildings and  houses and it is a really interesting City and fun place to visit.

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh Carolyn, how scared ...  bear_sad  I hope no more shake at NZ !  :hug:

Yes, I'm living in earthquake Island and We do get  the shake every time...small one to big one but I didn't feel any shake today yet....
I just have this bad feeling that Japan will get another shake....because
we are having wired weather... 2days ago was cold winter weather and
yesterday was little hot like early summer , then today.. we are very cold
again(in Tokyo area), This is unusual and I just hope nothing will
happen!!  bear_cry


plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

Carolyn, how scary...I didn't know you have earthquakes either!!  bear_wacko
I hope it's all over and won't happen again!

Marie, I'm with you..If you will be too scared of earthquakes  you could come and live with me.. bear_grin  bear_laugh

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568


I'm glad it was just a little quake!

Believe it or not we've had a few earthquakes here in New Hampshire over the years. None strong enough to do any major damage or cause death but definitely shake you up!

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Scary!  Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes... I'd much rather live without any of them!!!  We actually had an earthquake where I live in upstate NY, maybe 8 years ago?  It was very shallow and very small (and of course, very unusual), what a place to have an earthquake!  It was in the middle of the night and I actually woke bolt upright in bed BEFORE it hit... maybe 15 or 30 minutes before.  Couldn't figure out what woke me, and I didn't feel quite right.  Then the earthquake rattled everything just a little, and I felt fine.  I haven't felt that same way ever before or since, but that is the only earthquake I've experienced.  Apparently I predict them, but I'd rather not test that theory by moving to, say, California


melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

Hi Carolyn

There was one here in Wellington last night - funny how there's a whole spate and then nothing.  I know I should be better prepared - specially being right on the harbour. Still, I felt far more earthquakes when I lived in the South Island (again on the faultline!!) than I've ever felt in Wellers.  I think it's because my house is built into the base of a hill.  In the last place you could hear them coming - it sounded like big trucks coming down the road and then one particular door would rattle and then it would hit.  Mind you, that house was 4 stories tall with just one room on each floor, so it probably felt things more than most.  I also had lightning so close once that it shook my bed when I was living there - that was the scariest thing ever!!

Huh, I never knew that you got them on Waiheke - don't know why I assumed that!  Did you know that there are hundreds every day in NZ - we just don't feel most of them.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi Carolyn, glad to here that they were only small earthquakes and that you are OK. I've only felt one earthquake in my life , just 3.2 and it worried me.

Marie I hope you don't get an earthquake, Japan get far too many of them...keep safe my friend.  bear_flower

Jane  bear_original

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

thanks for letting us know what has happened, thank goodness it was only small, my daughter is now living in Wellington,  she moved over there last February, and I know she wouldn't say anything to me because I'm such a terrible worrywort.

She went to the bear show on the weekend, she said it was a bit quiet...but still stayed there for 2 hours?????

keep us informed if there's anymore shakes!!

Marie, we've been having weird weather patterns too, the whole country was in drought for years but over the last two weeks we've had torrential rain & bad thunderstorms nearly every day & night, very odd!! and it sounds like there's another one on the way now!!


pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Northern NY has had a few quakes.....the one we had a couple of years ago was my first (and only so far  bear_noexpression ) I was upstairs, my husband downstairs.....I heard this noise and felt this trembling and couldn't figure out what he was doing....he wasn't doing a thing  :redface: he was in the bathroom  :redface:  The quake sounded like a huge construction truck coming donw the road. Didn't do any major damage, but enough for some people that work with my hubby.

All you in Earthquake areas.......stay safe.  bear_flower  bear_wub  bear_smile  :hug:

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_shocked  Yikes, Carolyn, how scary!

Here in Ontario we get the occasional thump, or shake. Just enough to feel, and wonder WHAT WAS THAT??


WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Carolyn!!!!  So glad that it wasn't a biggie and that you are safe and sound! 

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Man, you people are wusses!  bear_original  I am California born and raised and have lived both ends of the state, Chico to Los Angeles.  I've witnessed many an earthquake and mostly, in terms of damage to people and property, they are just absolutely no big deal.  Kinda like having a thunderstorm.  They make big noise (especially in the news media!) but they blow over quickly and leave little evidence of their passing in their wake.

Having said that, we did have the enormously devastating and life-costing Loma Prieta quake in, I believe it was, '89... which crumbled a freeway overpass miles long, crushing cars and ending lives... shook a piece of the Bay Bridge loose, sending one car and its occupants plunging to their deaths in the waters of the bay, hundreds of feet below... and turned San Francisco's high-end, and very lovely, MARINA district, right on the water -- and built on a landfill -- into a sludgy mudpit of sinking houses.  All have since been rebuilt. 

I was living in Zurich at the time of this particularly horrid quake but my parents and most of my friends were in the area, and despite the truly horrific nature of the quake for some in specific areas, most people just reported a particularly strong shake and maybe some toppled knick knacks or picture frames askew post-quake.  That's how it usually goes.

I also narrowly missed the big SoCal quake -- I think they call it the Northridge quake -- shortly thereafter.  It also made for big shaking and big damage, but not on the scale of the Bay Area quake of 89.

I think that quakes usually cause the most damage where unfortified, old buildings fall on top of people and things.  Take, for example, the recent quake in -- where was it? -- the Middle East?  India?  Having a senior moment here, and I'm not even senior!  Thousands died in that quake, because the buildings were not up to currently accepted building code standards.  And how could they be, given the economics of the region?  But that's another discussion.

Also, when gas lines break and gas spews out of control, the ensuing fires can really do an area, and its residents, in, quickly.  Fire, after the quake, caused most of the damage in the 1906 quake in San Francisco which destroyed much of the city. 

Quakes are always scary (I was kidding about the wuss comment) but usually not that catastrophic.   I hope my personal experiences with them, and yours!, stay that way!

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

o carolyn. I'm glad it wasn't a really bad one. I've never felt an earthquake and thank the lord we don't get them they must be so scary !!!!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh gosh!!! You people need to come to Canada where sooo far...(touch wood) we only have to worry about frost bite! Yikes!

Many Hugs louise

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Yes, I am so glad that it was not a biggie but it is the fact that you do not know if there are going to be
more or is it building up to something else.

Melissa you would know what earthquakes are like with Wellington situated on the faultline.
I grew up in Dannevirke which was on the fault line and we used to get some large ones enough
to wake you when you when you  were sleeping and have bottles of preserves fall down off shelves.
I think it took me by surprise as we have been living on the Island for 16 years now and it is not volcanic
and I did not think we got them here.

Denise that is really neat that your daughter is living in Wellington - is she enjoying living there?

Marie, stay safe and I hope that your weather improves. It has been like that here also summer one
day and there are people swimming at the beach and then it turns cold again - so our weather
must be similar.

Shelli - you would think of me as a wuss, after all the big San Francisco quakes etc. - you win that one.
I do remember watching news footage of roads, buildings  and bridges all collasping - so scary.
thanks for all your kind words.
Stay safe out there.

Densteds Densteds
Posts: 2,056

Hi Carolyn,
yes!! my daughter Becky, loves it over there she's working in a government job in childwelfare services...she met a NZ guy when she was working in Ireland for 3 years and now they are going to get married next June (in Oz)
She's a big bear collector too, and was the one who got me started making them, in fact I still have her whole collection at home with me.. :doh:  :doh:  :doh: teddies are taking over the house..
I had an email from her this morning but as I predicted she didn't mention the earthquake....she goes on the premise of what mum doesn't know won't hurt her  bear_grin
Let me know if there's anymore "shakes"

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Hi Denise,

Glad that Becky is enjoying living in Wellington. A wedding next June - that will be really fun and
hope all the plans go really well for you all.
I know what you mean about Teddy Bears taking over the house - they have a way of doing that
don't they!
I have a neice who had been over in England working and on her OE for 3 years and she is now
teaching down in Wellington and loving it. Has rented  a quaint old cottage in the heart of the City.
I think, if you can put up with the wind and the cold is a fun place to live.


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Yeah I remember the 89 quake in San Fran, we arrived there a day after it, the damage was awful, so sad for the local people. Glad we have not experienced anything like that in Australia.

Carolyn, I am glad you didn't have a bigger quake.

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Carolyn, glad you are ok.  Earthquakes sound scary.  I'm all too familiar with hurricanes but have never experienced an earthquake before (and hope I never will).

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