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bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Is Asperger's a fairly new thing for people to be diagnosed with?  I never heard of it before last year, now I hear about it all the time.  Sounds unpleasant, though there aren't many syndromes or maladies that aren't


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Asperger's is along the "autism spectrum" and is, I believe, considered an "autism spectrum disorder."  It's one of the milder forms of autism/autistic symptoms one can have.  My understanding is that generally, these kids do well in school academically, often having above-average intelligence, although sometimes needing some help from an aide for a time... but that, socially, as is the case with all autism spectrum disorders, there is a certain "off-ness" or "disconnectness" that occurs due to the nature of the disorder, which is characterized, more than anything else, by a pervasive incommunicativeness and lack of awareness of/compliance with social etiquette and norms (and those are imprecise, layman's terms.)

The DSM has more precise information on autism spectrum disorders, if anyone wants more information.  Check here for just one site on the topic, with easy-to-access information:  I'm not sure which version of the DSM the world currently uses; this one cites DSM IV.  (DSM is the "bible" of diagnostic criterion for behavioral disorders.  In other words, it's the reference guide for mental health professionals.)

Kelly, I don't think Asperger's itself is new, but the idea that autism runs along a spectrum -- and the resulting diagnoses that are occuring -- are indicative of either:  increased awareness, or increased occurrence.  I have a good friend from college whose son, Elliot, has full-blown autism, and a fairly serious case of it at that.  She'd know the precise statistics better than me.  But it's something astounding... like, in the last ten years, California alone has seen a 40% increase in the number of autism spectrum disorders diagnosed.  That's not an accurate number, but it's something remarkable, like that.  Could be due to a lot of things; correlation does not imply causation, after all.  But the numbers DIAGNOSED and BEING TREATED are on the rise... even though the disorder, itself, has undoubtedly been around eternally.

I used to do some specialty work in college with autistic kids, and then went on to work with developmentally disabled youths of all kinds after graduation, so this is a cause, and a disorder, particularly close to my heart.

I missed the original post; who mentioned Asperger's in this thread, anyway?  I can't find it.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Ok, back to SHELLI and TBAI: (Not meaning to be at all insensitive to the discussion on Asperger's or those dear ones who live with it. My heart goes out to those who do and their loved ones!)

1)I'll be your helper.... a seasoned show participant and by then, show promoter and huge fan of your bears and you!!!  bear_thumb   :hug:   bear_wub

2)Have your bears shipped via UPS to the hotel, promoter or where ever you can...... I know a number of artists who fly to shows but ship their bears to avoid all the horrors of airline security. Yes, there is risk in that too but less of it and you can insure them.

3)You don't have to be a 'seasoned' artist... just an accomplished one which you most definately are! I have a feeling you'd fit in no matter where you were so don't even give another thought to that!!!

4)The boys..... perhaps you have a family member who could stay with them? Grandparents? It could be fun for everyone!

Have I convinced you yet?  bear_laugh   bear_grin   bear_innocent  Just receiving an invitation is an honor in itself whether you go or not so congrats!

KELLY: Your Doll & Bear show sounds like the ones we have here. But hey, it's just all the more time we'd all have to eat, drink and be merry elsewhere! There must be a descent retaurant in Rochester?!

JENNY: I freak out when anything with little legs and/or wings that is classified as in insect gets anywhere near me! In the summer I can't go outside because of misquitos and black flies. I have a netted jacket with hood that I wear. That helps but hearing them buzz makes me go balisitc!! And spiders..... we live in the woods and those spiders are huge... some jump, some are furry, some big, some...... oh, I gotta stop. You get the idea! Our next house will be in the city!!!!! For sure!!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Shelli wrote:

I missed the original post; who mentioned Asperger's in this thread, anyway?  I can't find it.

Helen mentioned it on page 5 of this thread . . . near the bottom.  Then I posted right under her about Sherry.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ahhhh... thank you, Sue Ann.  Got it now.  I actually have a close neighbor whose 10-year-old son has Asperger's, as does a French friend's daughter, who's now in her early teens.  They describe a certain social awkwardness present in their children, but otherwise, tell me that both kids have a lot of success in school and life.  And both have lots of friends!  Very manageable, in other words, in terms of living a very full, "normal" -- whatever the he** THAT means -- life.  Does that about peg it, Sue Ann and Helen, do you think?

I've not heard about the anxiety connection to Asperger's, I admit.  I'd love to hear or read more about that.  Do you have any information or websites to recommend?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sherry had tons of trouble growing up . . . and we just didn't know what to make of it.  She was pretty good at internalizing stuff and not letting us know about all the agony she was in.  She is extraordinarily bright and is finally beginning to get her act together, now that she has been diagnosed and is being treated.  She still has times of depression and lots of social anxiety, but even that is getting better.  Her job history isn't the best . . . can't seem to work at anything very long until it becomes "boring" or "non-challenging" or she just begins to hate it.  Same with relationships with guys . . . she has an uncanny knack for picking men that turn out to be VERY wrong for her.  Sigh.  Perhaps if we'd been more sensitive to her problems as a child and gotten help way back then, she wouldn't have had to go through all that misery.  Sigh again.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

It was a different era, then, tho, Sue Ann... for kids born in the mid to late 60's, I mean.  Sherry's the same age as me.  And who knew anyone with Asperger's syndrome back then, much less autism???  No one had even heard of it at that time. 

I think what's likely behind the flood of "new" diagnoses and occurences is greater education and awareness, and the removal of stigma from mental health-related issues as a group... likely far moreso than due to Asperger's or autism being actually "new" conditions...  or even conditions that are on the rise (although there are plenty of people who would argue that point with me.)  Nowadays, the hot theory is that mercury-containing preservatives, primarily thimerosol, used in childhood vaccines of all sorts, are behind autism.  I mean, was anyone ever even talking about it, then?  And, even if they were, how hard was it to stand up and say, hey, my kid needs help... without thus ostracizing both yourself, and your beloved child?

Please don't spend one more millisecond feeling in any way that it was a lack of perception or insight on your part that landed Sherry where she landed.  There was a world of circumstance surrounding her childhood years, and none of it contained much enlightened conversation at all about autism spectrum disorders, or any co-morbid conditions, such as the social anxiety you describe, above.  The outlook/prognosis I very loosely defined, above, and from a dingbat layperson's perspective at that, is for those CURRENTLY diagnosed, in the CURRENT system -- social, political, psychological, scholastic -- we live in, here in the US.

Soooooooooooo not your fault, in any way.  Not.

Big hugs,

Helen Out 'n About Bears
Poole, Dorset, England
Posts: 88

Hi All

It was me who started the Asperger's thread!  I was diagnosed with it at the tender age of 45!!  And, you're right, it wasn't heard of in the 1960's when I was at school--I was just considered to be an odd child, whereas these days, I would have received a lot of help.

I first heard about Asperger's in 1994, although I didnt realise then that it had anything to do with me.  I discovered I had it a few years later, when reading about it in connection with one of my students at school (I am a special needs teacher).  Once I realised that the description fitted me more than it fitted him, I was diagnosed within a few months!!

I know quite a bit about Asperger's, what with having it, teaching students who have it, and reading numerous books, so you are all welcome to ask me any questions!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

This has a pretty good definition of Asperger's.  Sherry also exhibits all the sensitivities to loud sounds, bright lights, crowds, tight clothes, etc.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Fascinating reading, Sue Ann; thanks for the link.  The description fits our neighbor's boy to a "T"!

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066
Judi wrote:

Most of you may already know this but I am an insulin dependant diabetic since the age of 12.  I am now 40.  I was told when I was diagnosed that I would most likely never be able to have children due to this "disease".  I now have three healthy children, 14,8, and 3.

Hey Judi..I didn't know you were diabetic like Daphne and me.  Well done on having healthy children bear_original  I was told that I would have to have c sections coz the babies would be too big...haven't tried yet tho so don't know lol

My secrets...hmmm I like pumpkin and beetroot and cabbage with mashed potato lol.  and I like all the oldies music, abba, bee gees...I also like classical music and I haven't listened to the radio in years lol

hugs sarah

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Just finished reading through 7 pages of your secrets  bear_tongue
I'm so sorry to hear so many sad and troubling heart goes out to all of you...

I can't really think of anything...i suppose, i've never smoked anything, never drank to get drunk...been a good girl generally...(boring I know!)  But now through doctors prescriptions I am on soo many drugs it is really quite funny in a sad sort of way...
had a bad family life, and I'm no family life is good we are all sick...and thats it...ho hum lol

Oh, I feel uncomfortable meeting real people especially in groups...I like staying in my safe zone...mainly coz of being ill and not knowing when I will run out of energy (mental mainly) and collapse...So I'm a hermit lol...tho I do looooovvvveee shopping..but keep my head down so I don't run into anyone I know...

Oh I'm a really bad collector of lots of things...beanie kids, cherished teddies, etc etc...and I'm an ebay junkie...I can't resist bidding to win!!!!!!!!

Oh, I would really loooove kids and to be the typical mommy, but choose to think I don't want that life coz it is impossible for now and easier to not ache for it...Being an old spinster has it's advantages too lol...I love keeping house and I've never had a serious boyfriend lol

so much for not having anything to write lol

Hugs Sarah

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

The fact that you are back to writing on TT shows things are better with your mom and you... I'm hoping anyway! So, it's nice to hear from you here!  :hug:  We've missed you!

I've been told and proven it true, that I can not conceive, in great part to diabetes. After 10 years I've given up. Personally, I'd rather not pass it on to my children/grand-children anyway. Tho I hope they'd have a cure by then. I figure God knows what He's doing. If He wants me to have kids there is still time........... tick, tick, tick.

Big hugs to you for your strength and positive attitude despite your challenges!  :hug:   :hug:   :hug:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Sarah . . . we've missed you - welcome back!  :hug:   :hug:

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Hey Sarah welcome back  i prefer to stay in the back ground too and there is a lot of people like that . :dance:  so teddy talk is a good thing for you your out mixing with people buy your not . bear_flower

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hiya Sarah...nice to see you back with all your Teddy Talk buddies.

Jane.  bear_flower

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Oh..thanks buddies  bear_grin  its nice to be back and talk about happy things again bear_smile
I'm getting back on my feet... slowly does it, but getting there...still problems but it is something if I can break through the clouds for a little sunshine here bear_flower  Mums surgery went badly and we had a big scare so it's taken longer to get back to the land of the living than a couple of weeks she needs to go back in again for more surgery coz they missed the lymph nodes!!  seriously!!!  bear_angry   so I want to breathe while I have the chance...

Fran you're so right...full social life tho i haven't left the house in a month lol  bear_rolleyes I know lots of us are the same here..isn't the net great  bear_grin

Yep, Daphne I'm the same..we'll I haven't got a partner anyway, but figure if I really wanted some there are ways around that lol...but i worry about the same sorts of things...passing things on...caring for them when I am so sick...all this and so much more made me make up my mind...and it hurts so much less if you have done that I think...and if something happens later on so be it as you said, higher powers will decide..and we still have time lol

big hugs to all of you

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
Daphne wrote:

KELLY: Your Doll & Bear show sounds like the ones we have here. But hey, it's just all the more time we'd all have to eat, drink and be merry elsewhere! There must be a descent retaurant in Rochester?!

MARIO's for Sunday brunch baby!  But Binghamton .... I'll ask around.

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

Marion Thank You for the hugs!   deb

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Sorry to hear about your Mum Sarah, my thoughts are with you all. :pray:

Well this has been an interesting thread, only catching up on it today after being offline for about a week.
Big hugs to those with illnesses too, you are very brave to deal with them and keep up as much of a normal life style as possible.  :hug:

I too am a migraine sufferer, over the past few years I don't seem to have had as many,  not sure what has cured it, must be listening to my body more now. I am not that bad as to be on any sort of medication, so I feel for those that have to take medication.

Well my thing is being paranoid about locking doors, I need to check doors and things a million times to make sure they are locked, before I am satisfied in leaving the house, car etc.   Honestly its not healthy.

Yeah I eat vegetables because I know they are healthy for me, give me other food any day.  :doh:

Ohhh yeah I forgot to mention Abba was my thing when I was growing up and so was Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the peanuts gang.

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