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Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Say "Hi" to Pepper the Chihuahua and her human Mom, Jean.
(Melanie's mother.  My M.I.L.)


Well, Pepper is a sick little doggie tonight.   :(
She's holding her own but I don't know what's causing it.

I'm used to bigger dogs.  Chihuahuas are small and skittish.

Pepper has been acting sick and shivery and a bit lethargic.  She's off her food and she's been throwing up.
She's threw up three times today, as far as I know.
She can walk around, all right.  She's alert and responds when you call her but she's just not her peppy self.
I don't know that she's got a temperature.  I don't have a dog thermometer to tell but she doesn't seem hot.  Her nose is still wet.
She doesn't have diarrhea.  I don't think she's gone to the bathroom all day.  At least not that I have seen.  But she doesn't live with me.  She lives with her Mom, Jean.  (It's only 3 or 4 blocks away.)

I think she just ate something she shouldn't have.  If it was a bigger dog I'd just say that her Mom should watch her and if she doesn't get better by tomorrow, take her to the vet.

Me and Pepper get along well.  She'll play with me when she's not sick.  (Pepper is a championship fetch dog!  bear_happy )
She'll climb up on my lap and let me scratch her tummy.

When she was sick today, she climbed up on my lap and had a short nap.
She actually threw up on me while she was getting petted.  (Onto a pile of paper towels while she was laying on my lap, actually.)

I figure if she got rid of whatever it is that's making her sick it will help her feel better sooner.
If it has to come out backwards, so be it.  Besides, it will give me a chance to analyze whatever it is.

I think Jean has been feeding her too much people food and dog treats.  I think that's what's making her sick.
Jean sits in her easy chair and lets the dog eat off her plate.  I think she's got a belly full of too-rich people food.
I try to tell Jean that she shouldn't do that.  I say that, if she wants to feed the dog, she should eat HER fill first.  She can save a scrap or two for the dog and THEN, she can put the plate down on the floor for the dog to have her turn.  Only one or two pieces, though.

People food isn't good for dogs, in general but it's worse for little dogs.

The way I see this, I hope it will be a learning experience for the dog as well as her Mom.
Maybe it will teach Jean not to let the dog eat too much junk.  Maybe the dog will learn a lesson too.

But, who am I to tell my mother in law how to treat her dog?  I'm just the stupid son in law.  bear_happy

Like I said, little dogs are so much harder to read.
If it was a bigger dog, I'd still be concerned but I wouldn't be so worried.

What do you think?

ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

bear_sad  I'm not surprised you sound worried. I have a very tiny Chihuahua myself; the whole family are extra careful constantly about what she's eating.
I also have a little Papillon, and in their case neither dog has more than a couple of treats per week.The vet once told us that the Papillon's
stomach was probably only the size of half a satsuma! These little ones just can't stuff food down and not be affected I'm afraid. Both of ours are only fed after we've finished
our meals ... which is good pack hierarchy enforcement as I understand it.

Ow, I hate to think of a little Chi in distress! I'll be thinking of Pepper and wishing her well  :hug:  I so hope your MIL's gorgeous little baby gets better soon!

:hug:  :hug:

Tiny Chihuahua Hugs, Ruth

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Poor little dog.  bear_sad  I hope she's staying hydrated. Keep us posted.


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I would say like a big dog that I would watch her and if it doesn't pass within about 24 hours take her to the vet. I would imagine that little dogs can get dehydrated very easily.  I do hope she is feeling better today.

Keep us posted please,


Little Bear Guy Little Bear Guy
Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 1,395

I think I agree with Us Bears I think she likely has had something that she shouldn't of.  Our two dogs very rarely get any kind of people food. They do get some veggies from time to time usually a piece of cooked potatoe (plain) or a piece of carrot.  But other than that they are only fed dog food. We actually just moved ours to a low ingredient dog food and they seem to be doing so much better on it. She likely hasn't gone to the bathroom because she has thrown up everything she ate, but I would make sure that she is drinking so she doesn't dehydrate for sure.

I hope she does ok, I think once she has had a day or so to rest and re cooperate she will be fine.


Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Awww....poor little Pepper. My cat had the same symptoms. Come to find out he ate a craft ribbon. But the vet wondered if he got into any of prescription medication (did one fall on the floor?). It was very upsetting time seeing our little guy so sick. So I vote for getting Pepper to the vet. Being a little dog, dehydration can come very quickly.  :hug:

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Unfortunately I can't give you any advice, Randy, because I have no experience with dogs,
but I do want to send all the bear power we have got in the house to little Pepper, hoping she will soon be well again !  bear_flower  :pray:

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

I've got to go to work but I plan to be back by dinner time.
If Pepper isn't better by then we'll be taking her to the doctor.

Momma Jean does take prescription meds.
She takes Atavan and a few other "high-power" pills.  We always worry about her getting one of those.  In fact, I insisted that we count all of Jean's pills to be sure.

I don't think she got hold of any of Jean's pills.  If she did, such a little dog would have been a goner in under an hour!

Pepper is the companion dog.  She is subject to a few different parameters than an ordinary house dog.  She's there to keep Momma Jean company and provide stimulation.  (Jean has had two strokes.)

Personally, I don't like the idea of giving any dog too much human food.  For such a little dog (she doesn't even weigh 5 pounds) it's an even worse idea.  But, given the situation, I give in.  If Jean wants to feed the dog, then okay.  (Begrudgingly.) 

However, where I really want to put my foot down is letting the dog eat off her plate!
It's not healthy for the dog.  It's not healthy for Jean.  And, worst of all, it doesn't teach the dog what her place in the pecking order is.  Now the dog thinks she can do what she wants!

I think it's important to teach a dog "how to be a dog."

As such...  If you want to feed your dog then the rule should be "People eat first. - Dogs eat second."

If Momma Jean wants to share her dinner with Pepper then she should eat what she wants first.  She can save a small piece of food for the dog then put the plate down on the floor.

When I say "small piece of food" I'm talking about the size of a QUARTER!

I'll check on Jean and Pepper before I leave.

I don't like the sound of it when I say this...  but I am hoping that this will be a lesson for them!

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

A little update:  Good news!  :)

I just called Jean's house.  Pepper is back on her food and is drinking water.
I think the worst is over.

We'll still keep an eye on her for a while.  I'll go and visit them after dinner just to see.

Still keeping our fingers crossed but I think she'll get better!


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399
SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  Good for Pepper!

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Thanks for all your good wishes!  :)
I think all your good Bear Vibes helped Pepper get better!  :D

I called up Momma Jean's house this evening after dinner and Pepper seems like she's back to her old self again.  :)
She's eating her food and drinking her water and running around.  Her ears are back up and she's wagging her tail again.  All good signs.  She's not throwing up anymore.  I think that, whatever it was, she barfed it all out.

I was worried, of course.  Any time your pet gets sick it's something to worry about.  What makes it more worrisome is that Chihuahuas seem to be so skittish.

One second she'll be running around, chasing her fetch toy and zipping all over the house. (Chihuahuas don't really run.  They "Zip!"  bear_happy )
The next second, she'll be pouting with her ears back and her tail between her legs.
She's so mercurial!

Last week, she was up on Jean's lap trying to mooch off her plate so I put her out on the sun porch and locked the door.  When Mom was done eating, I let her back in and she was SO pouty!  But, the next day when I came back, it was like nothing ever happened.  She was playing and zipping around like her usual self.

It took her three days to get back to her old self when she got her puppy vaccination.
I expect a dog to be a little out of sorts after they get a shot.  Hey!  It hurts!  But I've never seen a dog take three days to get over something as minor as that.

Chihuahuas are just so hard to read compared to a bigger dog!

Anyhow, next time I visit, Momma Jean is going to have to get a lecture...  Ahem...  I mean "EXPLANATION"... about why we don't feed people food to Chihuahuas.

ruth wrote:

These little ones just can't stuff food down and not be affected I'm afraid. Both of ours are only fed after we've finished our meals ... which is good pack hierarchy enforcement as I understand it.

I'm with you on that one, Ruth!  :thumbsup:
Pepper has never been taught how to be a dog!  I think it's high time she learn.
I'm hoping this will be our chance to drive that point home to Pepper's Mom.

ruth Flutter-By Bears
Posts: 870

Phew - I'm so relieved to hear everything's back to normal Randy!  bear_thumb
Give Pepper an extra little hug from me (and from Delphi, my Chihuahua  bear_smile )

Good Luck with your "explanations" !!!  :hug:

Mini Hugs, Ruth

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Excellent new!!  :clap:  :clap:

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Great news, so glad!!! bear_original  bear_original  bear_original

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Wonderful news, Randy, give Pepper a big hug (well not too big  bear_laugh ) !!

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I'm so glad to hear that all is OK!  I also have a tiny Chihuahua (Sequoya)  She's all of 4 1/2 pounds.   A trick I use for my girl is that I use dog kibble as treats!   She gets "treats" for many things.  But as it's just a small regular kibble, she is not getting "junk food".  She does also get actual treats too, but most of the time it is kibble.

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

She gets "Beneful" for her regular dog food: … fault.aspx

She gets "Pup-peroni" for her treats:

She also gets rawhide bones to chew on.

At least, that's what she's SUPPOSED to get.  :rolleyes:

Pepper's dog food is freely available and she'll crunch one or two pieces at a time throughout the day.  Water is also freely available all the time.  She is only supposed to get a HALF of a Pup-peroni each day when she's a good little doggie and goes pee-pee outside instead of in the house or does other good things.  She can have the other half just as a snack but that's all she's supposed to get.

Well, when she barfed up on me it was mostly Pup-peroni and some other junk that I couldn't tell what it was.  So, what I THINK happened is that her momma gave her too much people food and then "overdosed" her on Pup-peroni.

Momma Jean has Brocca's Aphasia because of her stroke so it's hard to get any information out of her.  Besides, I don't think she wants to tell me what she gave her.

I went down to their house to visit last night.  We usually make an extra serving when Melanie and I have dinner.  Then we pack it up in a plastic container and take some down to her.  I put the food in the fridge.  All Jean has to do is microwave it when she's hungry.

While I'm there I often hang around for about a half hour and play with the pooper...  I mean Pepper.  bear_happy
She barked when I came to the door.  I let her outside to run around the yard for a minute.  She always gets excited and pees when people come to visit so we let her out where it won't do any harm.  (Yeah, I know.  That's submissive behavior.)  We "dog wrestle" for a couple of minutes until the excitement wears down then she simmers down to her "normal" self.

She plays fetch really well, although she's got a short attention span.  She'll only fetch two or three times at a stretch until she gets distracted by something else.  From what I gather, that's typical behavior for a Chihuahua.  They're kind of A.D.D.  (Attention Deficit Dogs bear_happy )

She'll hop up on my lap for a tummy scratch every once in a while.  (More submissive behavior.)
She's always perky and her ears are up and she wags her tail a lot.  All signs of a well-adjusted dog.

The only thing I find difficult to deal with about her is that she's really flighty and skittish.  This, I also gather, is typical for Chihuahuas.  Isn't it?

One second she'll be zipping around the living room.  The next second, she'll hop up in her momma's lap for "protection."

(Chihuahuas never seem to "walk" or "run" anywhere...  They always seem to "ZIP" everywhere they go!  bear_laugh )

So, one second, she's zipping all around the house.  The next second she's cowering and hiding.

One time, Pepper was chewing on something she wasn't supposed to be so I stomped my foot and yelled, PEPPER!!  NO!!"  She immediately stopped chewing on the No-No-thing but, for the rest of the day, she was all pouty and shy toward me.

Then, the next time I go to visit, she's back to her zippy, little self.

She's always a good little doggy when I'm around.  (Even though she still seems to have trouble with house training.  bear_sad )

Chihuahuas seem to be so "mercurial."
That's the only word I can describe her with.

I'm just more accustomed to being around larger dogs.  The smallest dog I ever had was Tyrone, the Schnauzer.
Even then, Schnauzers are strong-willed dogs.  Not skittish at all, compared to a Chihuahua.

I guess it's just going to take me more time to figure her out.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I'm so glad that Pepper is feeling better!  Although some Chihuahuas are skittish, not all are.  Ours certainly is NOT LOL!!  When she's up on your lap for tummy rubs, instead of being submissive, she's showing trust in this case. 

As for when she was pouty after you told her "NO!" that one time... Chihuahuas can hold a grudge  :crackup:    I once was calling our Squirt, and she would not come.  So I got one of my packages of cracker sandwiches out (she LOVES a small corner) and she came running!  I then put the crackers back into the jar.  BOY was she mad at me!  She hid under my husband's kitchen chair and wouldn't let me pick her up.  She avoided me for an hour she was so angry that I tricked her  :crackup:

Us Bears Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,479

Pepper certainly holds a grudge!

A couple of weeks ago, she was jumping up on her mom's lap, trying to mooch dinner so I picked her up and put her on the floor.  She jumped back up again.  This time I picked her up and locked her out on the sun porch.

It's a nice, big sun porch with a sofa and everything.  There's plenty of room to run around.  She was only out there for 10 minutes.  But, when I let her back in, she was mad at me!  She was all pouty and wouldn't come talk to me at all!  Her mom even saved her a piece of hamburger but she didn't eat it!

It's nice to know that she trusts people who she lets give her tummy rubs.

I still think she's got dominant/submissive issues.  She piddles on the floor when somebody new comes into the house.  We try to let her outside when she comes to greet people.  She runs around in circles for a minute and "leaks" in the grass.  Then she can go back inside and she'll be all right.

Pepper also does this weird thing where she runs around in circles with her butt facing forward.
She's still running forward but she's got her back end twisted around so she's actually running butt first.
I've seen dogs keep their butt toward somebody they are afraid of but I've never seen one run around in circles with their butt going first.

I bet it's probably a combination of excitement and shyness where she can't decide what she wants to do.

That's all well and good, really.  It just seems that Pepper (and Chihuahuas in general) is just a quirky, little dog.  She's kind of cute in her own way.

The only thing I worry about, now, is that I'm becoming "Mr. Discipline."
Jean lets her do everything she wants.  Pepper gets to run around and chew on things but Jean doesn't yell at her.  Whenever I come around, I'm the one who makes her behave.  If she pees, she gets put outside.  If she gets into trouble, I'm the one who says, "No!"

I try to make sure that I play with her a lot so she doesn't think of me as the "mean guy" who doesn't let her do anything but she is DEFINITELY her Mommy's dog!

I try to give her treats but I worry that, by the time I come to visit, she's already had too many treats.  I don't want to make her sick again!

Pepper certainly is a cutie but she is also a very puzzling little dog!  bear_happy

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