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Johnna Johnna's Mohair Store
Costa Mesa, California
Posts: 164

Hi Everybody: Did anybody feel the earthquake we had here in Southern California this morning....Sunday, June 12.

It was just a "small" one....5.6....but....!!!!!!

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hello Johnna
and everybody in  S.CAL.

I hope everyone is ok....


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh goodness, Johnna . . . hope there was no damage!  No, I didn't feel it!  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

You're SOOOO funny Sue Ann, way over in Texas.....
I didn't feel it I was sleeping, but my hubby did feel it. Said it wasn't much, but the bed was kinda rolling.. :/
So I might have felt, but thought it was him or the cats moving on the bed!!

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Nope, didn't feel it up here in N. Cal.  When I was a kid about 9 yrs old in 1955, we had a doozey of a quake here.  It was my first earthquake experience.  It was on a weekend morning.  Dad woke in a bad and vociferous mood, thinking that Mom was shaking the bed.  We were in the process of building the little cottage we were living in, and the walls were still bare studs.  I'll never forget the picture in my mind of our yellow tabby cat, Goldie,  literally circling the walls of that little house!!!  When Mom finally made it to the door and opened it, the whole world looked like it was on top of a huge blanket being shaken by God as waves and waves rolled along the ground.  My baby brother was tied in a child-size rocking chair with a diaper, next to our wood-heating stove.  On top of the stove was a washtub of near-boiling water.  Mom scooped him up, chair and all, and after the quake, the washtub was found teetering halfway off the stove.  Our huge Christmas tree that extended into the rafters of our unfinished ceiling miraculously never lost one ornament!!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh My Goodness!!  Glad you're all OK!  Those things scare me!  Glad I'm in Chicago... however... we do have them occassionally.  Not NEARLY as bad as CA though!!  We usually feel a little something every 5-10 years or so and wonder what it was.  Then later the news tells us it was a small earthquake...:rolleyes:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Earthquakes are a part and parcel of life in California and any life-long California resident will tell you he/she has experienced many... most of them nearly undetectable.

I was living in Zurich, Switzerland in 1989 so I missed the bay area's famous "Loma Prieta" quake; the one that trapped hundreds between a huge fallen overpass and the street; the one that sent a car plummeting through a hole in the Bay Bridge and its occupants to their tragic deaths in the Pacific Ocean, so far below; the one that liquified the landfill that held up San Francisco's Marina district.  I watched in horror, on CNN of course, from Zurich, photos of my beloved bay area community burn or crumble to the ground. 

Having said all that, and acknowledging how awful that (and other serious earthquakes) really was for those who were touched by it, I have to say I'd much rather deal with earthquakes than with tsunamis bear_sad or tornadoes.  We had a rare, rare, rare tornado warning not long ago, while the kids were in school; I went to pick them up and the school wouldn't release them because the National Weather Service had issued this warning just a few minutes before.  And I had no idea what to do!  We don't have basements here, or storm doors, or cellars.  This is California!  We aren't supposed to HAVE tornados!

I guess it's as much the unfamiliar and unknown that's scary, as the natural disaster itself.

Anyway... I'm glad it was a small earthquake and that no one (we know of) was hurt.

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Everyone,
                         Just to say I,m glad your all safe and sound and non the worse for your experience. It must be pretty frightening I would think. Glad all ended happily for you Laure ,what would we have done without you. 

    Big Safe Hugs Rita xxx

Johnna Johnna's Mohair Store
Costa Mesa, California
Posts: 164
Marie_ wrote:

I hope everyone is ok....


Yes, it was just a "small" one at 5.6. I don't like them when they get to be 7+.....:(

Marie, you get many earthquakes in Japan as well, don't you? Hugs.

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

I'm glad that everyone was ok from this earthquake :)

Laure,  Me too, I'm so glad you are here today!!
           and glad yore family
           were ok from that terrible earthquake.
Johnna, yes we do get many earthquake
in Japan. We had bad earthquake last year in
Northeast district(Niigata).
One of my bear was adapted to family in
Niigata and I heard that my bear were lost
in the earthquake ...   It's so sad.( i i )

In here Tokyo or Yokohama-city(My home town) we get 1 or 2 small earthquake all most every week , it's really scares us..

I lived in California before,
I've experienced 2 earthquake too....
1989/10/17..I was at San Francisco  bay area.
1994/1/17...I was at Los Angeles.
I can go on and on to talk about this day..

I'm just happy that I still alive now and
I found my work of lifetime *Bear Making*and
I found my bear friends here.
Thank you to everyone and thank you to
the above.     hee hee :D

Bear Hugs/Marie

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

We're happy you are alive and making bears, too, Marie!  Same goes for you, Laure!  Texas is in "Tornado Alley" and I've been close to some, but haven't actually experienced one "up close and personal", I'm very happy to say.

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Thank you Sue Ann bear_original
I'm happy for you too!
By the way, my best friend lives in Texas(Austin)
and I would love to visit Texas  !
She tells me that Texas is beautiful states ! :D:D

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I would welcome a visit from you!!  Austin is a wonderful place and, as a matter of fact, I will be at a bear show there on June 26th.  Please make plans to visit sometime . . . I'd LOVE to see you in person!!

huggleybear C.W. Huggley Bears
Statham, GA
Posts: 281

I have been told that when you live in California you get used to the occasional shaking of the ground. I have seen too many earthquake movies and that absolutely terrifies me!  I live in Nebraska and I am sure that those of you that do not live where a tornado is possible and sometimes probable, that they are quite terrifying also. But we are used to the occasional tornado warning just as some of you area the ground shaking at times. We just came back from vacationing in Washington State and visited Mt. St. Helen's. What an experience!  It was almost spiritual. I am still looking for the words that best describe being there with that majestic scenery and on the 25th anniversary of the devastating eruption. Who, living in that most beautiful state, would have thought that there would have ever been a volcanic eruption of that magnitude or even one at all in Washington State in the United States when they awoke that Sunday morning in May 1980? So I guess we all get kind of complacent about the little surprises that Mother Nature bestows upon us in all of the various locations we live in and accept them as a daily part of our lives.  I am just glad that the recent earthquake in California was minor and all my internet "bear family" is safe tonight! bear_original

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Hi Sue Ann ! yes I would love to see you too! :):D;)
I should start my saving for next trip " Austin ". 
I will not make it to your next show (at Austin) :(
I'm wishing you and your bears for the best!   

Hi Cindy, welcome back from vacation!


Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Thank you, friends.  I'm glad I'm still here too.  Nobody could have told me then that I would be making teddy bears now.  I thought I would be either a Disney artist, or a famous ballerina.  Although, come to think of it, I do recall thinking that it was odd how I felt about dolls.  I didn't really enjoy "playing" with them too much, so I thought at the time that I was peculiar because I really liked my dolls a lot even though I didn't use them the way other children did.  Of course, that never stopped me from leaving them out in the weather til they rotted, or pulling them apart to see how they were made. bear_grin

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735
Laure wrote:

pulling them apart to see how they were made.

I did that to my doll too bear_tongue  Oops..

I keep coming back here today. sorry for too many post.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Marie--no such thing as too many posts, keep them coming :D

Me Too, Laure. I never knew what to do with a doll except figure out how it worked. The animals I played with and loved.

I'm so glad everyone's ok. We have so little scary natural activity here in Toronto that we can't even imagine.
I remember hurricane warnings in Houston--tape the windows, fill the tub with water--but I never actually experienced one.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Why do you fill the tub with water in case of a hurricane????

I do "get" the "tape the windows" thing, though. bear_happy

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hi everybody.....

The best place in the world to be during an earthquake???

On a water bed!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

You feel like you are in a bowel of jello-  its really neat.....I spent some growing up time in Burbank-

Whenever I felt an earthquake in Burbank or Mariposa,(kinda northern central Sierra Ca)  I would run and jump on the waterbed.......back in the old days when we had waterbeds and trugged through snowdrifts 20 feet deep just to get to kindergarten!:D

Marie-San darling I am really glad you are here too

I too would rather deal with an earthquake than a tsunami or tornado or hurricane.....yikes  Now those really are scarry

I think for me, maybe others, the fear comes in the waiting-----so for hurricane, tornado and tsunami there is some warning....but earthqakes.....they just haven't gotten that good at predicting those by the time it is over we think to get scarred......and then it is time to pick yourself up and dust yourself out and throw Laure's boiling water out but keep the baby.

I wouldn't like sitting there wondering did I do this, did I do that.....and wonder when is it going to hit.

But if any of you have a waterbed and live in earthquake land, try it, not to make light, but it really is fun....


Kjeld Intercal Trading Group
Costa Mesa, California
Posts: 522

Kjeld Your Mohair Supplier & Sponsor

Dilu wrote:

The best place in the world to be during an earthquake???

On a water bed!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Ha, ha, ha, ha.....I have a water bed. I agree. bear_grin:lol::lol:

Jo-Ann G Budd Bears Boutique
BC, Canada
Posts: 241

Just heard that there was an earthquake in Eureka, CA, hope anyone near is OK.  We found out when our son called and said he was at the beach and the Navy went by announcing to get away from the beach as there was a Tsunami Warning in Victoria, BC.  We turned on the TV and it had been cancelled.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


The bathtub water is for washing and flushing in case the pipes go out!! You're supposed to fill the refrigerator with drinking water. And load up on canned food.

I never got the hurricane, but I was at my sister's house in Ava, MO during a tornado warning. The sky was GREEN. Most weird.


Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Laure here, in Eureka.  Hubby and I were about 75 miles south of Eureka when we got news that there had been a large quake in Eureka, and that there was a tsumami warning.  We thought it was odd, as nobody had felt anything where we were at the time.  Later when we were on our way back home to Eureka, we phoned a friend who told us the tsunami warning was cancelled.  My son told me tonight that he and his family had felt it only slightly.  I read on the news that it was centered in the ocean south west of Crescent City 80 miles north of here, a town that was wiped out by a tsunami about 20 years ago.  With all of the seismic activity around the world, I would not be surprised if we got another one before long. bear_shocked:o:o  But we will be fine.  God watches out for us. bear_laugh:D:D

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh my goodness Laure!  So glad that everything is fine!  Scary to say the least!!  Yep, we get tornados here in Chicago... and it is scary too.  The sky goes a funky green... I haven't been thru one.. but supposedly it sounds like a freight train.   

Growing up we always had a basement.. but we don't now.  Our bathroom is in the center of the house with no windows so when the alarm goes off we ALL go in there.  It's a small bathroom too!

The first time the dogs were wondering "what the heck are we doing?"  2 adults, 1 teenager and 3 dogs sitting in a tiny bathroom... with a radio and flashlights... but one season after a BUNCH of warnings... they got used to it.


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