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Dilu Posts: 8,574


Today he suddenly starts talking about the various attributes he has noted in his studying of the bears on the e-bay, TT and Nancy's.
e010.gif  e030.gif  r010.gif  n035.gif

He's been asking allot of questions....."do you think that this is an investment or just a mild hobby?" medium-smiley-073.gif 348.png

(remember what I said about that turnip truck?)

"Well, Sherryl says her's are insured for $20 thou."  (Sherryl had a lot of money at one time and boy did she buy Steiffs and artist bears.....they used to go to the shows.  I can see why her hubby doesn't want her to have her own computer....)  BUT I DIGRESS

"I was thinking, while I farted around the garage, that artist bears must be an investment.....its not like something you use up-it's not like food for instance."

"I couldn't agree more.  Does this mean you are ready to start your annual diet?" food-smiley-012.giffood-smiley-008.gif c085.gif  e010.gif  g025.gif  n035.gif  n015.gif  n020.gif


"So what are you looking at?" angel-smiley-033.gif

"The usual"car-smiley-002.gifcar-smiley-005.gif

Well that could be car parts, car bulletin boards or his new hobby Teddys!

"So how do you choose a bear?"  animal-smiley-013.gif

"I don't....they seem to choose me."

"Have you ever had a bear you didn't like?"

"This is Sunday honey, that's awfully close to blasphemy!" c030.gif

"Well I notice that Judi bears look like Judi's bears......and I can tell the difference between Shelli and Sue Ann.  And I know which one's Kimmy sent you..... and I can pick them out. "

"Wait a min.  Kimmy is still devoping her style-her new ones are quite different and really neat....."
"But can you pick out the bears on e-bay that belong to people from TT?

"No.....but TT has a bears for sale board.....and they usually have links...."l I think it is harder with the miniatures." confused-smiley-017.gif g080.gif

"I think you are right"  I say. "There is not as much room for developing those characteristics.....that's why I don't have style."

"But you woke up in the middle of the night saying you knew what to do're going to make your bears look like your gollys......"   k020.gif  k010.gif

"yeah.....but I don't know if it will work." n022.gif  p070.gif  s065.gif

"It'll work."   love-smiley-075.gif


"Are you done yet.....with the computer?"  medium-smiley-125.gif

"nope.....I have to check part..."  speechless-smiley-016.gif

"Does this car part auction end while you are at work again?"

"Yep....but I've decided to try something different." speechless-smiley-040.gif

"You wouldn't want to tell me which car part this is, would you?"

" wouldn't know....its obscure...."  e035.gif

(I think I am going to be run over by the turnip truck if he gets any crazier....but I wont complain."  m010.gif  m010.gif  m010.gif

Then he looks straight at me and says;" And don't you dare ask your Teddy friends for any help snooping either!"  o080.gif

OK......He doesn't get home until 10:30 PST......2 more hours.......I don't want to know, and I don't want to get my hopes up because it is that time of year and maybe there are other hubbys who are getting a little nuts...but I do want to know if he won or lost.  349.png

The way I look at it even if he lost we still won because it means who ever bid against him had to go higher than he did......and that helps a teddy sister or that's good too...... m020.gif

I feel like Ralphie......

nervous nellilu

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Ooh gee Dilu, I wish I knew what your eBay user ID is LOL I would go snooping! I want to know what that hubbster of yours has gotten you LOL

I'm sure whatever it is, you'll love him her or him!!


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I think teddies and gollies are kind of like gota love them, you can't help yourself......

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Goin' boss eyed here Di...I can't wait to see what Santa brings for you.  bear_grin
You make me laugh ,you funny dilly-do!

Jane  bear_flower

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

I know what Santa is bringing for Dilu and she will be very ,very happy!!  :dance:   :dance: Your hubby is adorable ,Dilu !
  bear_smile   :hug:   bear_wub   bear_wub

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I know dilu and her hubbys ebay... I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING TOO!!! LOL Not telling either!!!  :dance:   :dance:

:hug: Dilu, hubby did good, that is all I am saying bear_original

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650
Dilu wrote:

"This is Sunday honey, that's awfully close to blasphemy!"

Peein' my pants!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

mine's new too- last year he was conventional....Stieff.....nothing wrong with Stieff but I had told him that artist bears from OOAK artists are better....and then I told him several months ago that I wanted to collect from TT people......which is easier said than done.....

Whenever I see a neat job, or Unique bear or something one of you guys has done that just knocks my socks off I show it too him....I guess it is paying off

When I look at Judi's bear or Laure's or Kimmy's I have this urge to workl harder, try harder, its like having the TT crew here in the house saying       " you can do it....get with it!"

I think that if we want something from someone overseas he has to start earlier next time.....which you think he would took 2 months for a little bear to get to Marion in France....


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I love this board, it offers so much encouragement... I know my bears arent as good as some but I am getting there ... I look at my first bear and it is nothing like my newer bears.... I just wish my mohair bears were as desireable as my felted bears... oh well.... some day...

I dont want to collect manufactured bears anymore... my hubby is still stuck in the "boyds" groove... I have enough (about 80).. and they dont "do it" for me anymore... I want something that has personality, made with blood sweat and tears and not from a sweat shop!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I love this board too, Kim.  It amazing how much I've learned in such a short time.  Everyone here is just incredibly forgiving, understanding, encouraging and downright fun.  We have a great group...

Dilu...I snooped too...and you will be very stop asking we ain't'll just have to snoop yourself if you want your surprised ruined.   bear_grin

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Kimmy.....stand back from your work for a sec, though, and look how far you've come.  Its positively exciting  to see the devlopment.....maybe if I didn't spend so much time on the computer I could move forward too.

I love watching everyone's work change and devlope and grow.  I can't believe the collective creativity here....

I spent some time going through 'artist bears' this am....and some of the artists do no shading or coloring, and I was comparing them to the ones who do and just that little itty bitty thing by itself makes such a huge differance

Yet, I doubt it would ever have occured to me had it not been this board.

Then look at the needlefelting extras we can add.  I didn't even know needlefelting existed, except for this site.

then look at minis and ways io make them better......again, this site.

And Kimmy, I love your bears....especially Mac and Cappy....they both have such personality.

I feel like I am getting ta watch teddy history in the making.....

And Kimmy I agree......the manufactured bears just don't cut it any has to be artist bears.....the differance is huge....Even my Stieff Golly doesn't have the personality that artist gollies have.....

must be time to quite for awhile, I nearly dropped the computer....yikes!

I'm allowed back on the internet now-I guess he through shopping....that's a relief for now..........

If we can all change so much in just one year.....what can happen to our work next year at this time?

I think we should have a topic next year showing this years work and next years work side by side......I mention it now because ol'sieve brain wont remember but maybe someone else will......


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Thank you ladies *GROUP HUGS*  :hug:

I just wish I would get more bids... I know it will come in time.. a few months ago i couldnt sell any.... I love doing it but I would like to profit more bear_original 

I have come a long way in a short amount of time, I recognize that  but I get frustrated when I see bears go for so much more than mine and I think to myself "my bears are just as good" and in some cases "better" at least in my eyes... but I am slowly getting more customers and a few regulars... bear_original I want to be able to start an auction at $1.00 and it surpasses what my time and materials costs are... I want bidding wars, dang it LOL

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Ahh, yes. a bidding war Kim.
I wish for more of those as well. SIGH!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh, Dilu.... if you only knew!!!! Wish I was a mouse under your tree on Christmas Morning! You'll be leapin' out of your jammies!!!! (Not that I want to see that part but boy, will you be surprised!) You've got one very special hubby! Give that man a hug for me!!!!!  :hug:   :hug: 

Have we seen a picture of that hubster of yours??????

Maybe you have an idea as to which bear he's gotten you?????  bear_happy

Dilu Posts: 8,574

I think he's bid on 2.....thats all I know.  And he isn't interested in the computer anymore so I take it that he's done.  So your guess is much better than mine.......I can wait.  The anticipation is fun too.

I wont know what happens though since he picks up the mail at the post office......and of course our postmistress can be funny.....we never get anything on Mondays and Wednesdays are catalog days.  She's all by herself so she has worked out her own way of doing things.....


kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Dear dilly pickle - you can rest assured that hubby did good bear_original and that is all you need to know LOL

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Dilu . . . your hubby is one special guy!  He's probably an expert now on everybody's style and which one appeals to him most.  Shoot - maybe he's buying the bear for himself instead of you  . . . HE'S HOOKED!!!

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Dilu, you have no idea what a gem of a hubby you have! I think it is just wonderful! Garnet would much rather I go buy what I want for myself and that is just no fun at all.

Many Hugs Louise

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_rolleyes  Ok, ladies, I'm not going to ask what Dilu's getting (unless, you know, you want to PM me), but that means that Dilu has to get on her computer and TELL US first thing Christmas morning!!


ellen ontario, canada
Posts: 324

holy gifs etc. Dilu!!  control yourself!   bear_grin   bear_grin   bear_grin 
you made my day, again!  thank you.

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Ooooh yes Dilu, we'll all be waiting to find out, only wish I had a hubby as thoughtful!!!   bear_wub    Don't get me wrong, he's great and all that, but no, would have NEVER in a million years come up with this!!!   bear_happy

Lucky you!!

Gatehouse Bears Gatehouse Gallery
Lockwood, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 227

Ooowww!!! I'm dying to know too.  If some one wants to PM me I'm not good with secrets...I HAVE to know :pray:

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

My hubby is commenting on every bear I bring home.  He says as long as they dont eat much he's happy!

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684


This story is so funny!   d050.gif
I can't wait to see what you get! 

For those who know what she's getting, can someone tell me?  I can't wait to find out!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh our funny Jn said

He says as long as they dont eat much he's happy!

The hubster has been known to blame the golllies for missing chocolate...


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