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starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

spot3.jpgspot2.jpgspot1.jpgHi all you experts out there  bear_laugh
I got my needle felting beginners kit yesterday - and I immediately thought - YES - I will make a bear - but unfortunately no bear was there  bear_rolleyes
Instead I got Spot - without the aid of tutorial or safety net - here he is - go on he will I hope give you all a little giggle - but for better or worse he is definitely my first attempt at needle felting - perhaps my last bear_cry (I even had the cheek to try and use wiring in his legs and tail bear_whistle )

I will run away now and come back later to hear what you think  bear_laugh

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,970

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Are you kidding, Anne??  Spot is terrific!!  And he would still be wonderful if you were a professional needlefelter!  I tell ya, you beginner needlefelters are something else!  Can't wait for your next creation!

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Oh Anne, he is adorable!!!! Good job!!!! You should see my first attempt LMAO

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

What a cutie .... I wish my first attempt was as good .......

Dilu Posts: 8,574

W0000 H00000  Anne 

Fantabulous!  How wonderful!  There is always rom in this world for one more spot.....AND ESPECIALLY a cutie like yours!   bear_wub


are you hooked???

I am... just ordered 1/2 pound in each of three colors for teddy faces.

I love what you did and am proud of you for trying it. you made me laugh when you said

I even had the cheek to try and use wiring in his legs and tail

Cheek?  Honey I think that was genius!

What a great first job!  And what's next on your plate?  You didn't complain about how many times you stuck yourself, SO I think you are hooked.  I hope so anyway because you're a natural.

:hug:   dilu

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Anne, you did a very very nice job on Spot.  You should be proud of yourself! :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:   Making anything for the first time can be full of "unknowns" you will be even more comfortable on your next one...and the one after that, and the one after that, and the one after that............... :dance:

marie Debonaire Bears
Virginia, USA
Posts: 30

Spot is adorable!  I love the photo where he is looking up at the camera.  What a cute little face!   bear_thumb

I have started felting two different cats but still haven't finished either of them.  You have inspired me, Ann; I am going to go work on one of them right now.

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Ladies you are so kind  :hug:  :hug:
Sue Ann - might be a little while for the next - I am now going to try and find some answers to questions   :doh:
Patsy - thank you very much  bear_original
Kim - - well lets see pleeese  bear_original I am delighted you think well of little spot
Dilu - you are soo sweet - I only stuck my finger three times - the first time I swore and then was a bit more careful - cos it hurt bear_cry   What is next - well now I have to finish a bear so I can add needle felt bits to it - but tomorrow I have to clean the house etc as it is new years eve - (oh just n case you think I am really a slob I do clean more than once a year  bear_grin just I have to make sure it is good that night so it has a better chance of never getting out of hand for the next year)
Thanks Judi - there are as you say so many unknowns - including by the way the absolutely strange and vacant looks I got from many shop -book and art - assistants today when I went on a search for a book ( I am soo impatient I thought maybe I might find one locally - huh fat chance - Glasgow has not heard of needle felting yet - infact british publishers do not seem to have heard of it bear_grin  bear_grin )
Marie - thank you  bear_flower I look forward to seeing your cats
:hug:  :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I am working on your critter right now... I hope you like him/her bear_original

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Kim :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  I will love  bear_wub  him/her - I just know it  :dance:  :dance:
Must go now and sleep - lots of hard work to do tomorro
Take Care  :hug:  :hug:

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

oooh Anne, he is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Anne said

but tomorrow I have to clean the house etc as it is new years eve

OK so you clean other times too, but that was really pretty cute, and I could  related totally....When I am hot to finish a project everything goes by the wayside.....And there have been times when I forget to eat, and get scolded....and don't answer the phone because it is a nusisance, and......

I hate it when you are nearly done with a major project and real life decides to butt in.

But hopefully you have got the bug and will keep it up.....


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Amazing job. but you did it just right, you just jumped in there.
I find with needle felting, the best thing you can do is just DO it!!
I can't wait to see you 5th creation if this one is soo good already.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:dance:  bear_original  Anne, Spot is gorgeous--you're a natural.

Alas  bear_sad  my first little feltie, a pig, is still without legs. You inspire me to get back to work!


bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Oh my Gosh!!! I love and adore Spot!!! You did an amazing job! Keep them coming because you have a God given talent for it!!!

Many Hugs Louise

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Eileen, I want to see your piggie when he is done. :pray:  :pray:  :pray:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

OOH OOH OOH me too!!!  :pray: bear_original I wanna make a piggy now too!  bear_original

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Anne, your first attempt is very good, congrats...  :clap:

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Told Ya you could do it Anne   bear_thumb   bear_flower

this needle felting is sooo easy to do - the hard part is getting the felt to look like anything ha ha ha  but i think your first little doggy is fabulous Anne well done and i expect to see more animals from you this year.

Happy New Year Anne

Penny xxx  bear_wub

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Thank you so much glad you like the little guy  bear_flower
Dilu - Oh and I thought it was only me who got immersed in things - sometimes it is only when I develope a headache through lack of eating that I remember to eat - or I can even find myself working tilll 3.00 am in the morning just to finish something- nice to know I am not alone :hug:
Heather - I have lots of colours of wool so who knows what will come out next bear_rolleyes
Eileen - I do look forward to seeing your little piggy - or will that be three?? bear_thumb
Louise - you are too kind :hug:
Karen - thank you for you kind words
Penny - Happy New year too - I will see what I can do a little later in January - maybe a I will wait and see waht climbs out of the wool
:hug:  :hug:

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Aww, wonderful doggy, Anne! He's crammed full of personality and so so cute! Well done - I can't believe he's your first needle felted creation....are you sure you haven't been secretly practicing??! Seriously, as someone else said, you're a natural and I'm looking forward to seeing your next creation!


PS Sorry I didn't notice him before now...I've only been popping in and out of the discussion forum this past week or so. But normal service will resume shortly and I'll have more time to play here! Yay!

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