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Trey Posts: 7

Hi everyone I'm a beginner at sewing. I'm trying to find a book that covers Airbrushing on faux fur? Any suggestions would be great I'm having allot of trouble with it.
Kind Regards

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I do not know of any books on that subject, but if you look in the library here there is a whole lot of info on it. Look up on the left, click library, then look for airbrushing and shading.

Trey Posts: 7

Thank you just trying to find out what brand Airbrush paint to use.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,769

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Trey, airbrushing is a subject in the library that great information on the subject.  Here is one of the topics:

"Hi.  Just the subject I love...airbrushing.
You're right, Daphne, not all air compressors are created equal.  The kind you are describing turns on to fill an air chamber.  When that chamber reaches a certain amount of compressed air, it shuts off.  As you use your airbrush, hence using the compressed air, it turns on to maintain a certain level of useable compressed air.

If noise is a factor then I would go for a very quiet one.  There is a whole range of sizes and prices out there. When I went to school for airbrush art they used a huge aircompressor but it was kept in a different room with the airlines connected to our work desks.   I'll post some websites shortly on where you can look inot the various aircompressors..... But first I want to tell you what I use:

Like Hayley mentioned, I use a large CO2 tank.  I have used one for over 22 years now.  It is very tried and true for me, absolutely silent and no water trap needed.  CO2 is a no toxic element that comes in a liquid form in a large cylinder.  As with an aircompressor a pressure gauge is necessary so I can see how full the tank is and I can adjust the pressure at which I run my airbrush ( around 28psi or pounds per square inch). My 20 pound tank lasts for more than a year, then I have to refill it for about $15.00 at a welding supplier.

Airbrushing is a pure joy and there is no other method of color application out there where you can achieve the same results. It is soft and I can airbrush on any type of mohair and it is undetectable to the touch that there is any paint at all.

I will be happy to help you in any way I can."

And here is another: … 80#p290980

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

This brand is mentioned by more than one person, and in the contexts of both faux fur and mohair:


Trey Posts: 7

Thanks everyone for replying I have an airbrush but have never airbrushed on faux fur only polymer sculptures I guess ill have to just give it ago on fur and see how I go!

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