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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

rufnut wrote:

Arrhhhhh thats my news years resolution to get fit again and lose some weight, but I just don't have the motivation, its so hot here at the moment. I am trying not to eat so much.   What do we need to do?

Karen, we start next Sunday, Jan. 1.  Weigh yourself (you don't have to post it), then do whatever suits you best for losing weight and/or exercising.  Each Monday after that (starting Jan. 9th) all of us will post our progress . . . for me it will be how many pounds I've lost (if any) and how many miles I walked for the week (if any).  I've suggested everyone keep her/his own records from week to week and you are NOT obligated to post your progress if you don't want to.  My reason for even starting this challenge was to air my New Year's Resolution on this public board because I know you will be supportive and encouraging AND I will be totally embarrassed  :redface: if I wimp out on that resolution - like I have in most previous years.  Some have said they might post before and after photos . . . I'm not sure if I'm that brave or not, but we'll find out soon enough.  Good luck to us all!!  bear_thumb   bear_thumb   bear_thumb

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Like you Judi, I was very thin when I was younger...actually until I had my third child who is now almost 15.  I was one of those girls that could eat anything and everything and I did.  I also was accused of having an eating disorder not only my people who knew me but doctors as well.  Unfortunately I developed terrible eating habits because I could and did eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted just to keep weight on.  I still struggle with that now...the eating not the keeping weight on. bear_original

Several years ago my OB/GYN retired and since I'm a high risk for several different female related cancers I've always been very good about having my annual exam.  I however put it off because I needed to find a new one.  Several friends told me to go and see a particular doctor because I would love him...I also had several people tell me not to because they hated him.  He's one of those love him or hate him docs.  Well, I went and saw him.  He asked me if I had any health concerns and I told him that I'd been struggle with my weight since the birth of my last child (who was about 7 then).  He looked at my chart...ask me how  tall I was...and then said..."well, if you had a penis you'd be just stop worrying about it..."  He then proceeded to talk to me not in a lecturing type of tone but more caring about body image, weight charts being terrible wrong, etc.  I loved him from that moment on....and good thing a week later my tests came back and I had advanced cervical cancer.  He was the best doctor for me.  Now he's getting ready to retired (for 5 years now bear_original ) and I can't imagine finding another who I feel so comfortable with for GYN stuff.

Well...all that was 40+ pounds ago...AUGH!!!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Judi,
     Your card simply says it all.  I wish we could all learn to be happy with who we are.  I also lost a sister, 10 years ago.  She died from Scleraderma, which is a horrible disease that thickens all the collagen in your skin, and makes it look like leather.  She was a United Churh minister and did not let the disease keep her at home, no matter how ugly it looked.  Unfortunately the disease triggered lung cancer and that was how she evenually died, a year after her diagnosis.  We all knew she was terminal, but my mum died totally unexpectedly of a massive heart attack, three months before my sister.  I believe my mum could not bear to bury a child and the stress killed her.  Anyway, even though she was so ill, my sister travelled from New Brunswick to Ontario and looked after the funeral for my mum.  She greeted every single person that came to the funeral home and astounded all of us.  Three months later, we all travelled to New Brunswick for her funeral - it was such an awful time.   
     When I see your card, I think of my sister.  She was the lion for all of us.  Thanks for sharing it.



DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_sad  Ummm....well I'm obsessed with my scales, but the opposite of Judi.  They're wonderful little scales, in fact the best I've found so far because they measure your weight, and then give you a percentage of your body fat.  Its brilliant for losing weight because you'll know if your diet and exercise routines are truly working.  So many times the exercise (especially weight lifting) can make you gain weight...which is so depressing initially, but its from the dense muscling. 

:redface:   Anyhoo.....I'm afraid of climbing onto my scales to find out just how bad it is. :redface:   I know I'm overweight...I just want to forget the numbers until I can feel my clothes get looser, and then I'll be brave enough to hop on  bear_thumb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh my, Shantell . . . I'm so sorry you had to go through the awful ordeal of cervical cancer!  I hope it's totally gone and that everything is under control now.  And those of you who have lost family members - I'm sure they are missed every day no matter how many years ago it happened.  Thank you, Judi, for reminding us to like who we are . . . it's an important message for those of us who have trouble with it sometimes.   :hug:

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

SueAnn...all is well...that was almost 9 year ago I think.   I was just kind of saying or trying to say something similar to Judi with my doc story and him looking at my height and weight and telling me if I were a man no one would think I was overweight.  It just all those stupid charts and so forth that get thrown at us...even by doctors...that we base our "perfect weight on".  If we didn't have scales or charts would many of us really think we were overweight?   I think if you are happy, HEALTHY and feel good about yourself inside...that is what should count.

bear_wub   bear_wub

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Judi you are right about not letting the excess weight be who you are. Sometimes we need reminding though as it is easy for the way we look to become our main focus. Chances are when we feel like this we are giving off "Don't come talk to me..I'm too fat" vibes..and we do scare people off. The last time I was at this stage in my weight battle and obsessing about it all the time, was about the time when mum had her stroke. All of a sudden I realised how stupid it was, worrying about such a trivial thing, when faced with a life threatening worry. I thought alot about it all in the months afterwards..just how priorities change when we have a chance to step back and look at the big picture. Having said that, I also know than excess weight is a huge health risk too and we really must try to stay healthy...but if we were told we only had six months to live..would we spend it hiding ourselves from people because we are too fat...or would we cherish every moment we have with them?? No-one knows when it's their time. bear_innocent

Both yourself and Nettie and Brenda have had to face losing a sibling and that has to be one of the hardest losses you will face. You are all very strong women (although I'm sure at times you feel anything but strong  bear_ermm ) and you have me utmost sympathies. bear_sad  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Judi...I have to is still not ideal to be getting on those scales daily....especially when you look like a goddess! bear_wub
Ask Mark to put them away and just allow yourself to get on them once a week. Being women, we have huge daily fluctuations with fluid levels and our hormones wreak havoc. Weighing daily just causes unecessary stress, and I say this from experience. bear_flower  :hug:
Something I was told by a dietician too, which may help us that you cannot put on more than 200grams of actual weight in a day. If you eat all day (eg on Christmas) and then hop on the scales the next day to find you have put on 3 kg...just give yourself a break.....most of it will be the weight of the food in your body and fluid retention due to extra salt intake.
Congrats on stopping your nailbiting habit. I am almost at the two year mark now and I love my nails. The secret in that first while after kicking the habit is to make sure you ALWAYS have an emery board handy and as soon as you feel that first nick in the nail...file it off. Also keep nail hardener on them so they look nice. Do what I do and visualize handing one of your bears to someone with lovely nails instead of embarressing stumps.

Re smoking..I'm sure Heather will be able to offer some encouragment there...she has kicked it and we are all so proud of her! It's gotta be tough...but I have some extra motivation for you.
Did you know that fabrics..including our precious, expensive mohair, catches onto the smell on cigarette smoke? If you are a smoker, you can't tell. Even in you smoke outside, the smell sticks to your clothes and skin and transfers to the mohair. And there's nothing worse than a gorgeous teddy that smells like stale cigarette smoke. bear_sad
I was sent a resin bear in a swap once from a smoker. Not one piece of fabric in the box...but it wreaked of ciggie smoke and I had to put it thru the dishwasher. Ugh!
It's gotta be especially tough to give up when your partner smokes. I have had two friends give up with hypnotherapy...maybe worth a try! We are all here to offer help...but we need to know when you are be sure to yell! bear_grin

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Hello all you mad mad teddy bear people, I am back home and on the keyboard behind my computer again. bear_original
Too fat, too thin, smoking, biting nails, STRESSED out,one just has to wonder what we do to ourselves.
My suggestion for those wanting to loose weight  ( apologies if it has been mentioned somewhere along the line)
1. Weigh yourself once a week. THEN HIDE THAT SCALE, till the next time you have to weigh again, then weigh in same clothes at the same time of day.
2. Try eating a FRUIT/VEG  5 times a day.
3. BREAKFAST is important.
4. WATER (this is more for me cause I hate drinking water) 8 glasses a day
5. MEAT PORTIONS  The size of your palm, potato size of your fist.
6. If you feel hungry GO CLEAN YOUR TEETH( this help take your appetite away for a bit)
7. DIETING DOES NOT EXIST, try and think of it as EATING HEALTHY. Positive thinking.
8. Write down what you eat, you will be amazed at the things you eat and forget about, the licking of a spoon when cooking. The sip of a cool drink when handing your child the glass. HIDDEN THINGS.
9. If like me you can not say no to one biscuit and have to eat the packet, THEN DO NOT BUY THE THINGS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO FINISH, if you have control, then one piece of chocolate, or one biscuit will not harm you.
10.EXCERCISE: start off very slowly if overweight, then build up slowly.
11. ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY, you will not be a skinny person overnight.
Stress is my middle name, something I have lived with since the age of 18.Today I understand why and can handle things, then I was too young to understand and cope with what had happened , and spent many years on various medication in and out of clinics.One thing that eventually helped me was that I started running, nothing great, but it was excercise and through this I was able to able to have some sort of life without medication. Being active , even in a small way, seems to help handle the things that life tends to throw at you. So if you are able get out and excercise, Yoga would be great.

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

Hayley you described me exactly in your first post! i too retreat more from people when i feel ugly or over weight..and yet i NEVER see other people that way!  how is it it women do that to themselves?i know some truly beautiful women who are heavier ..older..etc..beautiful in my eyes and to their loved ones and friends..but not in the commercial sense..and i've narrowed it down to their own sense of self and spiritual and emotional well being..they are happy with who they are! im working on that..why dont men care what peope think of all this stuff? i love that old special K comercial about men talking about their hips and do i look fat in this ? it sounds  ridiculous when they say what we women say!! :}:}:}  deb

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Gosh (or "Golly" as Dilu would say bear_original ) What excellent advice here.

Lynette, I really like your breakdown in list form.  Makes tremendous sense.

Hayley , you are a gorgeous woman...YOU just need to believe that.  :hug:  bear_wub  :hug:

Shantell,  I am very glad to hear your cancer is gone.  How terribley scarey that must have been for you.  It's funny how we all jsut cannot eat the same way we did as young adults.  Our metabolism slows as we age (is that a swear word?).  I remember your picture.  You are taller than I am.

Deb, you are so right!  Those commercials are so riduculous...and funny too!

Brenda, I got goosebumps when I read your post.  Thanks for sharing it bear_wub .

DebbieD. sometimes I think it is better to gauge yourself on how your clothes fit.  Numbers can be misleading.

Lets throw away those charts!

Lynette aslo made a good point.  Much of your changing daily weight is food shifts.  The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning.

Also, did you know that when you exercise you continue to burn calories (units of heat) for TWO hours after you stop. ALso, when you exercise regularly your body starts to grow NEW capillaries and blood vessels to carry blood to the tissues and muscles that need oxygen.  Not only will your body feel better you will more efficiently start to burn calories. 

Exercise is a win win situation.

Sue Ann, great post you have started.  It sure is nice to have a support system! bear_wub

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379


I know God won't give me more than I can handle.
I just wish he didn't trust me so much.

-Mother Teresa bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_innocent  bear_innocent  bear_innocent

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

Hayley what a sensible wee scone you are !!!!
I have noticed that many of you are chocolate and cake lovers.I don't like cakes and biscuits etc but like chocolate.
A few weeks ago I read all about sugar and it being a poison etc etc.Anyhow I decided to cut it out completely for a month and see how it felt.
I had headaches for two days and then suddenly didn't miss it.Everything starts to taste different.A carrot is a cake and a date becomes a caramel!!!Honestly it is true.I have never felt better and can't believe how horrible I feel now after the christmas binge!!!On monday I am cutting it right out again and getting back to feeling healthier and with more energy.It sounds a difficult thing to do but after a couple of days it is easy.I use honey instead of sugar for my porridge and use it in sweet and sour dishes etc.I would urge all of you with sweet tooths that are trying to lose weight to try it.
Unfortunatley I am overweight thanks to cheese and nuts.I will lose a few pounds back on the no sugar but will have to  walk and run most of it off.
I am lucky to be one of those people who likes themselves.I have never been beautiful or pretty and have a big nose but somehow I like myself.Lucky me!!!I am blessed with good health and a love of fresh air and excersise.I just get cross that I never go that last mile and get the extra stone off.Maybe its because it is all behind me and I can't see it!!!!This year with all of your hepl I may just do it.
It would be nice to all be our ideal HEALTHY weight for 2006.Good luck to us all!!!!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

I know its a little trickier to find than sugar, but xylitol and light agave nectar are both WONDERFUL sweeteners that don't impact your blood sugars like regular sugar can. 

Hubby found the agave nectar, and I have to say, I held it at arm's length and thought "no way", but  I was wrong!  Its amazing, and tastes just like honey!  I love it for coffee and teas.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Netti, you are an inspiration :hug:

Deb, I will have to look for what you suggested.

Sugar is one of the worst 'things' (for lack of a better word) that you can put into your body....dang...why does it have to taste so good!?

Also, my diabetic doc says that eating too many sugar substitutes only feeds one's craving for sugar.  Ouch. bear_wacko  bear_shocked  bear_sad  :doh:  bear_whistle  I LOVE coffee with sugar free Hazelnut creamer..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Lots of great inspiration and tips!
My sister used to use something called Stevia as a sugar substitute.  Its from a plant - an herb I think.  It's all natural and 300 times sweeter than sugar.  It's been used in Japan to sweeten diet coke.  I know you she used to buy it at the health food store - might be worth looking into.



psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073
Just Us Bears wrote:

Re smoking..I'm sure Heather will be able to offer some encouragment there...she has kicked it and we are all so proud of her! It's gotta be tough...but I have some extra motivation for you.
Did you know that fabrics..including our precious, expensive mohair, catches onto the smell on cigarette smoke? If you are a smoker, you can't tell. Even in you smoke outside, the smell sticks to your clothes and skin and transfers to the mohair. And there's nothing worse than a gorgeous teddy that smells like stale cigarette smoke. bear_sad
I was sent a resin bear in a swap once from a smoker. Not one piece of fabric in the box...but it wreaked of ciggie smoke and I had to put it thru the dishwasher. Ugh!
It's gotta be especially tough to give up when your partner smokes. I have had two friends give up with hypnotherapy...maybe worth a try! We are all here to offer help...but we need to know when you are be sure to yell! :lol:

You are soo sweet!! Thanks for remembering. It's something I never thought I could do, and to find out it's soo easy.

So.... if I can quit smoking, I can do anything right??

Also, if it's your resolution to quit smoking, PM me. I have one great resourse that gave me what I needed to quit. Sounds weird I know.

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Judi, I usually get the xylitol at our Natural foods store.  Some grocers carry it in their natural/bulk food sections too.  The extra bonus with xylitol is that it helps prevent tooth decay!  They actually did studies and it showed the xylitol had an effect on the bacteria in your mouth that causes the cavities. 

For the light agave nectar... there's a link on the bottle...not sure if this will work  Fingers crossed that makes a link!

Brenda, I've used the stevia in the past, and its wonderful as well for not impacting blood sugar....but get this ~ I found it to be TOO sweet!   bear_grin  bear_tongue   Can't count the cups of coffee and tea I dumped down the sink because I'd added too many drops of stevia...and that's literally all it takes drops

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Thanks for the info Deb!

Brenda...Stevia...never heard of it but sounds it sounds good.  I'll keep my eyes peeled.  Thanks!


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Well the BIG day has arrived on my side of the world, and I started yesterday with a 29.09 walk/run.But will weigh myself tomorrow as today we are out for afternoon tea with my mother and I am going to have that last scone and dollop of cream.
When running,I used my old stop watch and must say that it helped, also I seemed to not have so many side effects after running from the medication I am on, which seems to make my brain wobble like jelly, it only lasts a few minutes then goes away. Maybe the old brain is settling down.
So I am aboard this train, taking off, which is going to arrive at its destination with me as a NEW IMPROVED TEDDY BEAR ARTIST both in body and mind, I hope we are all going to have an interesting journey , sure there are going to be stops along the way where we will get off, then get back on.( ermmm I have to start convincing myself bear_wacko )

bear_original Lynette

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Thanks Sue Anne, and everyone for the tips.  Fingers crossed everyone, lets give it a go.  :hug:

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Well I haven't done too good on my first day ......... tomorrow is another day as they say

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Hi girls!

I have to confess, I don't have too much weight to loose, actually... just about 3 kg... and actually, I would just prefer to loose just enough to feel more comfortable in my trousers! I am doing quite a lot of exercise: gym twice to three times a week. So i just planned to keep exercise myself regularly, so nice muscles will replace fat.  bear_tongue

Out of that, i just planned to keep making bears and to find a new job...

Beary hugs,

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

I wouldn't mind losing 5 pounds or so but I really want to concentrate on doing yoga and weights to strengthen my poor failing body. I am also going to try to eat only one or two things in the run of a day that I'm allergic to like wheat and dairy. I would like to not have to have allergy pills with every meal. It means a very restrictive diet because I react to eggs, some nuts, chicken and a lot of vegetables and fruit also but I'm going to try to eat more foods that I can tolerate.I also vow to drive my doctor crazy until she "fixes" me.

  :redface:   :redface: Okay,I did have a toasted cheese sandwich and one chocolate so now for the rest of the day I have to eat only food I'm not allergic to.  :redface:   bear_rolleyes   bear_innocent

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Oh Shari, I wish you the best of luck with all those food allergies...ack...  You sound like avery strong woman as do most of you here.

I have been usoig the hand weights hubby gave me for Christmas.  I have to say that I feel really good after using them.  They are ten pounds each and I keep one in the kitchen so while I am waiting for my tea to brew I do a few reps of ten lifts in various positions.  It really does feel good to feel your muscles working. ....and they, (my diabetic doc and staff), say that exercise is accumulative so a little bit here and a little bit there all can add up.  Yippeeee!!! bear_grin your new avatar teddy bear_wub

Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

Well I worked out today for the first time in .............well a long while!!!!  It felt good and I'am vowing to keep it up. :dance:  :dance:  :dance: 

I did loose 65 lbs about 3 years ago but I've put most of it back on.  I lost it by walking on my treadmill and watching what I ate.  However I never ever deprived myself of food that I like.  I'm a nachoholic!!!  Love the salsa, which my girlfriend and I make - and we won for best salsa in our community.   

My only big stumbling block is I'm a severe asthmatic which limits my exercise and what I can do.   I also, like Shari, have severe allergies to a considerable amount of food which you would think would help with the weight but I still seem to manage to gain!!

I would be happy to loose 40lbs and I know that it can be done so this is my goal for the next year!

Thanks for the challenge and I will keep you posted with the exercise and the weight.

Jane bear_thumb  bear_thumb

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