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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Daphne, don't feel bad ,you need to have a treat now and then and you didn't have two,three,four ..... donuts so it's not that bad.You must forgive and love yourself in order to succeed. :hug:   :hug:  It's okay,really it is  :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Thank you, Shari!  :hug:

I ate only a salad and yogurt for dinner tonight. So I'm hoping my carb intake for the day all balanced out! HA!

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

Personally, I like the idea of a NON-diet diet approach: … eating.ap/

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hmmmmm - Kelly, that non-diet does sound intriguing, but I'm sooooo afraid my intuition would go bonkers and so would I!  Sounds a little like my food nemesis, portion control.  I just want to eat a LOT of what I like - even when I'm full.  Sigh.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Oh dear Daphne.....but hey y'know what? I flunked day one too! I got up and had three slices on toast with vintage cheese (YUM!!) before I remembered I was supposed to be starting my healthy eating plan. Doh! I think I'm going to have to put signs up for myself...and while I'm there, a printout of a recent pic of myself which shows every roll and bulge!!!!
Shari said..

Daphne, don't feel bad ,you need to have a treat now and then and you didn't have two,three,four

Yes but Shari...we aren't supposed to treat ourselves on DAY 1 !! bear_laugh  bear_grin  bear_laugh  bear_grin  :hug:

I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_laugh
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_grin
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_rolleyes
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_ermm
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_happy
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_noexpression
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_sad
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_cry
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_wacko
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! bear_angry
I must not eat yummy hot buttered toast with cheese! :twisted:

C'mon Daph...we can do it! One day at a time...and there's always tomorrow!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Rita,  I can get by with dvds or tapes because I live so far away from any place where they would have classes that I would never be able to go.

What I like about having an exercise-in-a-box is being able to do it when ever I want-I do better in the am so I can do it 5 am when I get up-  not too many classes are available for 5 am. 

I think the main thing is to do something- anything.  Without hurting ourseves.....but not using the not hurting ourselves as an excuse, which I can see myself doing-yep-in a heart beat.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

When does the not getting any chocolate get better?

I was fine until just now. 

Maybe its cuz Will and Grace are on lifetime......meaning it is 8 pm anmd time to do the pills......12!  UGH!!

soon?  bear_cry


Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

You all are making my hungry!  bear_grin  Now I want hot chocolate and buttered toast. Sounds like a good breakfast before work tomorrow!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:hug: Awwwhhh, have a  :hug: Daphne!  Its not like you set out to do it, and besides, I think you did a great job of compensating later in the day.

I read a fascinating book about a month ago called "French Women Don't Get Fat" written by a woman (because now there's some guy touting his own book as a form of diet).  Anyway she had a fascinating look at the different way Americans vs the French look at food.  It covered things like portion control, as she said the most flavor you will get is in the first few bites.  It had all sorts of tips for slowing down, focusing on what you were eating, etc, etc.  And I have to say its helped tremendously.  Over the holidays I've found my kitchen table again, and forced myself to sit there and focus on my food at mealtimes.  I usually read a book, newspaper, catalog anything, but focus on my this one's been a big help to me.

A couple days back I ate some bad food (nothing like a touch of food poisoning to help with a diet  bear_whistle ) and the morning after I wanted some eggs, but didn't think my tum could handle my usual 3 I tried 2 thinking I'll just grab a small something else if I wasn't full enough.  I was shocked to find not only was I full enough, but it was the right amount of full.  I didn't realize with the 3 eggs, I was actually stuffed!!  Bit of an epiphany for me.  bear_laugh  I know another tip is to gauge your meal size by the size of your closed fist...that's supposed to be the size of your stomach.  I was a bit put out when I first heard this one because I've got small hands...but I think its right for me. 

Dilu, I'm surprised you didn't take hubby's head off when he came home with chocolate on his breath!!!   :twisted:   I'm sure the cravings will subside the longer you're away from it.   :hug:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

All the best for your resolutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sincerely hope it works for you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If not, no loss. I've had a huge smile on my dial while reading your posts!!!!!!!!!! :clap:  :dance:  :hug:  bear_thumb  bear_grin  bear_grin  Matilda

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

OK, I started my eating healthier this morning with a bowl of Oatmeal.....yuck!  bear_wacko I don't care much for the oatmeal, but I know it is very good for you, so I add some fruit which makes it eatable......

Still have the fingernails, but did start nibbling on one last night, and I haven't had a smoke since Thursday night!

Off to a good start........... :hug:  :hug:  to all in the challenge.......Ellen

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi all,
            I too have found it hard going ,but so far I have not given in at all, I gave away all sweet things to my Grand-Daughters on New Years day so I have nothing sweet in the house. I have got a Yoga DVD called Wai Lana Yoga for beginners ,I hope its ok as there are so many out there.  Will report on Monday as how I am getting on. Power to us all to be strong about this.  Hugs Rita xxxxxx

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277
Dilu wrote:

And then last night I smelled chcolate on his breath when he got home from work!

Now that is just too much!!!!!!!! … ey-019.gif

Can you imagine?! 


Hee Hee, you're too much, Dilu! Those smilies really had me laughin!!

Okay, I weighed in yesterday morning. It's amazing how much your body fluctuates. I hardly ever weigh myself, but sometime last week I hopped on. It was in the afternoon and I weighed 114. Pretty much what I expected. I know it's not much but I am very small and those extra lbs. are in my tummy and I'm getting a little disgusted with myself. Anyway, I hopped on yesterday first thing in the morning. 106...what??!!! 

Well, as my scale doesn't seem trustworthy, I've measured around my tummy to get more accurate results. 

I went grocery shopping and bought lots of healthy fruits and veggies and more fish opposed to red meat. Now I need to exercise!! I promise I will! I do my grocery shopping at my Super-Walmart. So I tend to dawdle around and check out everything else in the store. Does pushing a cart in Walmart for 3+ hours count as exercise???  bear_grin

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh, I also have a nasty habit I'm tryin to kick. I was too embarrassed to say before, but I should know better. You all are so kind and supportive. Anyway, I'm giving up the cigarettes too. I know I can do it. I quit when I got pregnant, but my downfall was that my fiancee smokes. So eventually I started slowly back into my bad habits. This time though, he is trying to quit too. I'm armed with my patches and feeling pretty good about it. He, on the other hand, is having a hard time. I hope it gets better for him cuz he's driving me bonkers! (Why do you think I spent 3+ hours grocery shopping??  bear_grin Hee hee)

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

I started back on healthy eating yesterday and back to work today. Wouldn't you know it - a kind client brought in not one but two boxes of donuts for us!!! I've told myself that they are poisoned and have been ignoring them - fortunately they are downstairs.
I can do this - I know I can since I've done it before! It does help to keep fat pics of yourself in prominent places - like the fridge.
Goodluck to all of us,


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Those of you who are trying to quit smoking in addition to eating more healthfully and excercising . . . I have the utmost respect and admiration for you!  My husband quit cold turkey many years ago, and I know that you will have some ups and downs . . . power to you!!  He chews gum constantly now - really just trading one addiction for another - but I SOOOOOO much prefer the gum to cigarettes! 

Whew, Sandi - you ARE a tiny person.  You are the size I USED to be for most of my life - until late middle age when a slew of situations "made" me (HA) gain a ton of weight.  I started eating for comfort and all it has done is make me very uncomfortable!  I hurt ALL the time.  So - I am determined to lose at least enough poundage that I feel better.  Good motivation for me.

ellen ontario, canada
Posts: 324

good on all of you who are trying to slim down or just get healthy!   bear_thumb
a coupl eof tips from me - i've lost 20 pounds since september and feel better and better all the time. 
1.  i couldn't do it without hubby's support.  he's changed his way of life along with me.  it's not a DIET, it's a new healthy way of life.
2.  we're all (okay 99% of us!) addicted to bad foods.  we can't help it - we were no doubt brought up on them.  but we CAN "kick" that habit.  you have to detox FIRST! 

cut out all the bad carbs - WHITE stuff (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread etc.) and fruits for 2 weeks and you will have NO cravings for these bad carbs. 
i didn't think i could live/survive without my taters and bread (i was one with my bread!) but i stuck it out for 2 weeks and have absolutely no desire to eat them.  it's amazing!  it's the same as a drug addict - you may have the shakes even or feel crappy for a day or two - but it works!
then you introduce good carbs back into your diet slowly.  brown/wild rice, whole grain breads, fresh fruit.
this is the basis of the south beach diet.... but it's not a diet - it's a way of life - a healthy llife.
*chewing on some unsalted nuts*
give it a try - 2 weeks is nothing for a new you!

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Helen,
                Can you eat wholemeal Pasta then or Brown bread ????? Hugs Rita xxx

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
ellen wrote:

good on all of you who are trying to slim down or just get healthy!   bear_thumb
a coupl eof tips from me - i've lost 20 pounds since september and feel better and better all the time. 
1.  i couldn't do it without hubby's support.  he's changed his way of life along with me.  it's not a DIET, it's a new healthy way of life.
2.  we're all (okay 99% of us!) addicted to bad foods.  we can't help it - we were no doubt brought up on them.  but we CAN "kick" that habit.  you have to detox FIRST! 

cut out all the bad carbs - WHITE stuff (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread etc.) and fruits for 2 weeks and you will have NO cravings for these bad carbs. 
i didn't think i could live/survive without my taters and bread (i was one with my bread!) but i stuck it out for 2 weeks and have absolutely no desire to eat them.  it's amazing!  it's the same as a drug addict - you may have the shakes even or feel crappy for a day or two - but it works!
then you introduce good carbs back into your diet slowly.  brown/wild rice, whole grain breads, fresh fruit.
this is the basis of the south beach diet.... but it's not a diet - it's a way of life - a healthy llife.
*chewing on some unsalted nuts*
give it a try - 2 weeks is nothing for a new you!

I agree Ellen,
I cut out white bread and pasta a couple of years ago.I now eat brown rice,wholewheat pasta and only brown bread very occassionaly.If I am served any white bread pasta or rice while eating at friends houses it is now very hard to eat.White pasta tastes like slime and white rice just has no taste.It only took about a week to change my taste buds altogether.These changes along with cutting out the sugar are so much easier than people expect them to be.
I keep dates and mangoes at hand for when I need something sweet.

Helen Out 'n About Bears
Poole, Dorset, England
Posts: 88

I'm trying to lose weight too--I'm about 2 stones overweight, and I used to be very slim--------------.  So, if there's a challenge, I'll gladly join in.

Happy New Year to you all


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I love my scale, which I keep in the kitchen. You have to walk around it to get to anything.....and invariably stub your toe on it if you are in a hurry, or sneaking around.

I love it today because  I am down 2 lbs. 

Hubby doesn't like it cuz he isn't. 

teach him to sneak a candy bar!

how much is 2 stones in pounds? 


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I believe one stone equals 14 pounds - is that right?    Brenda

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

thumperantiques wrote:

I believe one stone equals 14 pounds - is that right?    Brenda

Yes, that is correct - I did have to look it up, though.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

cool thanks

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I've been quietly minding my own business and fending off all unwanted foods for the past two days and I even patted myself on the back today - too soon as always!  Tonight, our son came home with a two pound box of licorice allsorts - my mostest absolutest totally awesomest favourite candy!!   UGH!!!!!  I watched him eat one after another after another, and I did what any self-disciplined person would do  - I applied what I learned from the NON-Diet diet and ate enough of those suckers until I couldn't eat any more.  Well my cravings gone and now I don't care if I eat another one for another year - and tomorrow is another day! 



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