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I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684
Shelli wrote:

PPS  Is the bunny hiding on the far right, drunk?  Or is he the "lookout" for the "all clear" signal?

The drunk bunny!  Too funny! bear_grin  bear_tongue

Aleta, those pictures are so cute and funny!  That's great that you got asked to be in the gallery! 

In answer to the original question, I think bear making is definitely art.  And the best part about bear/golly/other critters, is that you can touch and hug the art! 

Picking out some of the things in Shelli's post. . .   Creating emotion: bears definitely do that.  You fall in love with bears/gollies/other critters.  You buy them because they create emotion in you and then you want them.  I think paintings and other kinds of art do that for people and then they buy the piece. 

Skill: It takes skill to make bears.  Not everyone can make them (I'm well-aware of that; hence why I'm only on teh collecting side  bear_original ).  It's hard work making bears.   

Creative impulse:  It takes creativity to make bears.  Another reason I'm on the collecting side.  bear_original

Even if you don't like bears/gollies/other critters (but how could you not?!), I think you can respect what it takes to make them.  It's not easy to take some mohair or other material, stuffing, joints, etc. and turn it into a bear/golly/critter.

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Sorry to hear Aleta, that your friends upset you about your Teddy Bears not being Art.
We all know for a fact that you create the most fabulous, artistic Bears.
Big congratulations on your Gallery Showing - they are going to have to eat humble pie
when they find out about this!!!

I love your new Bunny family - they all look so cute, in under the valance.

Bear Hugs

PS. I think that if the truth is known - they are probably very jealous of
what you can do.

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925
Shelli wrote:

Bronwen wrote:

I have seen pictures of women reading poems naked while pulling the poem out of various orifices and yes that was called art.

I've just gotta ask...

... Where the heck have you been hangin' out, girl???

Well it is amazing what you find out when you type in "women in art".
Carolee Schneeman is her name and it is really ard to forget when you are researchng something and that pops in front of you and your 8yo daughter goes 'Mum what is she doing?'  :redface:

LynBlair Posts: 139

I'd much rather own A Silly Bear than a bronze Rodin.

What Shelli said!  :clap:  How in the world can anyone consider the exquisite work you, and others here as well, do as anything but art? fighting0071.gif 

Big artistic hugs,

Edited to add that I'm throwing the rocks at your mean friends and most certainly not at you, Ms. Aleta.

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Great points everyone....My thoughts are along the lines of Jodi. I like words like creative, artistic, innovative...but when it comes to 'art' I always stop and think,  as Jodi does...that if it falls into the category of 'art' then it isn't something that's loved and gives so much pleasure....It becomes untouchable.

So I am happy to be a bear-maker....or crafter...or artist even. We always used to have this argument in the hairdressing industry...people would and still do say that that craft is not art and yet, there are some hugely creative people doing amazing work using hair as just another medium to express themselves creatively. Who says that is not art...why wouldn't it be?

But in the end it doesn't matter what the definition is, bear-making is our means of defining and expressing our vision and creativity, therefore to us it is art...To others who don't appreciate it, it is a craft...but you'll never get them to understand.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but here I go again.When I first started making beasr I applied for a city grant to get started.(practically a bag of jelly beans I might add!!!)Anyhoo I had to sit in front of a panel of experts to decide if what I did was art or craft.It was daunting but I came out as an artist not a crafter or crafty type or whatever I would be called.Therefore I have it on paper that I am an artist.I think because ours isn't serious or thought provocing it will always be looked down on by "arty farties".
If we were not incorporating art our bears would bot be so diverse!!!
Stay calm and try hot chocolate instead of coffee for the poor wee bunnies sake.

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

To call yourself an artist sometimes feels ... assuming I guess.  Like it shouldn't be up to you to call your work or art, or yourself an artist ... that's up to the rest of the world.  You just keep on doing what you're doing.  Kinda.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

Tell 'em to go blow it out their old kazoo Aleta.  bear_whistle

Art is subjective and emotional.

I would'nt give you tuppence for some works of art that are considered valuable.

Art is a concept - i have had people laugh at me when i tell them i make bears, 'Oh Dear' they think 'this womans a basket case' but tend to shut up when i tell them how much they can sell for.

If bears are toys then so are flashy expensive cars, designer furniture (it's not bought for comfort now is it?) and all the other things in life that people fill their homes and lives with.

And what about couture clothing? To hear people talk about some fashion design/designers you'd think they'd invented a cure for cancer or something!

Art is WHATEVER you say it is Aleta and don't let the snobs tell you otherwise - laugh whenever you sell a bear and their work lies languishing in a heap in their studios hah hah!

Arty Farty Twaddle Talkers huh!  bear_laugh 

I've known a lot of artists in my time and they ALL tend to be up their own butts Aleta - lovely people, but their sense of 'self importance' is always clouding their view of what else is out there.

Laugh at them Aleta - but if they were my friends i'd dump em! Friends should always support each other not mock each other. When did you last look down your nose at what they do? They are just JEALOUS!

SOUNDS LIKE THE OLD GREEN-EYED MONSTER TO ME ALETA  bear_angry   bear_angry   bear_angry

Penny  bear_wub

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Thank you everyone for your support and your postings.  I received two very apologetic e-mails from my friends after sending the wikipedia definition of art.  Thank you again, Shelli!  All is forgiven, even if I do still smart just a little.

To each his or her own art!!

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

P.S.  The bunnies are still hiding under the bed.  I wonder if they'll ever be the same?  bear_shocked

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Shelli . . . many, many thanks for that definition (or non-definition) of art.  We can talk this theory or concept to death and never come to any conclusions - or at least any answers that would satisfy everybody.  I say if it ("it" meaning painting, photograph, music, literature, bear, etc.) evokes an emotional response from someone - then it is art.


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb