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lemmonbears Lemmon Bears
Oregon Coast
Posts: 303

Stanberry_wborder.jpgI just love manatees!  I think they are so cute.


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

grasshoppers are strange enough for me.  bear_grin

Matthea Ontario
Posts: 87

images-1.jpgMy favorite is the Aye-Aye from Madagascar. Like most things on Madagascar, they are endangered  bear_sad
They are crazy looking little guys. They have very long middle fingers they use to tap on tree bark to see if there are bugs inside to eat.

Ps - Funny you should mention naked mole-rats, that's what I call my husband's ex who stalks me. It might not be mature, but I'm not always mature.

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684
lemmonbears wrote:

I just love manatees!  I think they are so cute.


I like manatees too. 

There are some weird looking animals out there.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor


kbonsall wrote:

....., Sea Horses and Sea Stars are neat!  As you can tell, I love the aquarium!

Oh I LOVE sea horses too!  They are just so neat looking!  I was in my favorite pet shop once and they had recently got in a shipment that had a pregnant MALE seahorse!  Yes, the MALES give birth to the young!  It was SO cool to watch him pop out those perfectly formed tiny little sea horses!!

I also love the sea dragons!  I think they are from Australia?  I saw them at the Shedd Aquarium some years ago... they were breathtaking!

I also love aquariums.... hubby and I used to have 25 in the house (we met at our local cichlid club - cichlids are a family of tropical fish)  We took most of our tanks down to make room for the office.  Now we only have 1 tank... it's 125 gallons.  Empty now... but I'm hoping to get angelfish in it soon.... If I can beat him to it.. he wants African Cichlids again...

I'd LOVE to have sea horses but just don't have the time necessary for a salt water tank.

lbbears Wind Lake. Wisconsin
Posts: 191

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!  That thing (the blob fish) is HILARIOUS!!! and UUUUGLY!!!!  It looks like a grouchy bald man who can't control his bodily functions....

Kimberly W.

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh Kimberly
I am sitting in my office everyone was being really quite, until I read this and started laughing so hard I was crying - but that is one ugly fish, what type of water does it live in?  Just curious so I do not go swimming in that lake or ocean.

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

driver-cartoon.jpgbird-cartoon.jpgwolfcartoon.jpgdog-cartoon.jpgshark-cartoon.jpgStrange animals ----including the last one! bear_laugh  bear_laugh

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_wub Awwwwhhhh...I LOVE Servals!!!  bear_wub   I almost ended up with one, but Amanda the coati was enough 'excitement' for our household...

Tina Remem-bear Artist Bears
Posts: 524

I love Meerkats, and Oragutans (oops, please excuse the spelling) fascinate me. 

That blob fish thingy is the spit of my mate's grandad when I was growing up!!!!! I bet it's nowhere near as grumpy though!!


Dilu Posts: 8,574


I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684
Dilu wrote:


bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

I've never seen a serval before.  How big are they?

Fairybear Wagga Wagga
Posts: 346


I just love this kinkajou - the first time I saw one it was attached to Paris Hilton.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,758

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hmmmm . . . apparently some kinkajous have NO taste!  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

BrozZ BearZ BrozZ BearZ
Posts: 266

I really like ligers. The are a cross between a tiger and a lion.


millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173

I love animals of all kinds.  I am definitely an animal person (or maybe just an animal).  Two of my favorite "strange" animals are skunks and wildebeest.  Skunks are just the cutest.  They kind of skip along through life with the attitude "you don't bother me, and I won't bother you".  The wildebeest amazes me.  I think when God was creating the animals, He had pieces left over from some of the other animals (cow, horse etc.) so He put them together and came up with the wildebeest.  They are so cool.

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602

I'm afraid I'm an animal person as well - when I was in hospital they had to arrange to bring my dogs in because I was 'failing to thrive'. With some of the things I come across I sometimes prefer animals to people. (Oh I bet that sounds awful)
I have a thing for Seahorses. and I put tiny seahorse charms in the ears of my Bears as my signature. I used to include them in the signatures of my embroidery pieces as well. (Hey if its good enough for Steiff!).
Listen to me - anyone would think I was a professional artist - Well one can dream right?


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

FARM-picK2-1.JPGAre we back on this fascinating subject again?  cool!  I already posted that I love sharks...but I now want to share this beauty from our farm.

This photo is for those of you who did not read my reporting Live story.

I love skunks too...especailly ones named Chauncy. bear_thumb

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Sandra, I love seahorses too.  I once had a pet Dwarf Seahores who gave birth to several babies.  They did not live very long bear_cry  but I loved them.

Your dogs are heros.  Animals offer such warm and loving therapy.  They are good for the soul.......unless they are Daphne's dogs who ate her movie star bunnies.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Judi wrote: 

I love skunks too...especailly ones named Chauncy

Thank you!!!

bear_flower  bear_wub  bear_flower

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:clap: Awwwhhh cool!  You've got a coati too!  How old is Elmo then?  What breeder did you get him from?  I'm just wondering if it was Leslie from the Willamette Valley, as we got Amanda from her years ago.   

bear_grin Yep...that pic of the coati babies is probably more chaotic than the barrel of monkeys ever DREAMED of being  bear_grin

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

So, is there a skunk named Chauncy here?

Shelli, can Chauncy come out and play? 

WildCatDancer, do you have a name?  WOW, your bull must have been sooooo tame.  In Wisconsin there is a law that no one under the age of 12 can be in a pen with a bull.  We breed artificially but raise a handful of bulls for AI Stud companies and to sell to other farmers.  Don't they have HUGE heads!  I love bulls though.  They are very long as there are bars between a bull and myself.

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

I can't believe more than one TTer has a coati!  What are the odds of that?!   bear_original

Judi, I love that cow pic!  It's so funny!  bear_grin

Where is Chauncy, Shelli?   bear_original

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Amanda-scratching.JPGThat baby serval pic is just too awwwwwwhhhhhhhh  bear_wub  I'm all gooey for a baby now  bear_wub   The people we were looking at the servals were from somewhere in the Willamette Valley, not Florence...that was back in '92. 

We met Leslie at the same fair.  Actually we were fresh up from Guatemala, and *really* wanted a coati from Guatemala (one of the reds) as they've a different temperment than the Arizonas and Mexican coatis.  I think Leslie misunderstood, and thought I was more interested in coat colour.  I knew for a fact the zoo in Guatemala City had too many, and that they had a sister zoo in Dallas I believe.  We tried in vain to get one from them.  Seems even though they were overpopulated, they still wouldn't sell to us bear_sad  I was so bummed. 

All I remember of Leslie's coatis were Cookie, and Honey...Honey was her absolute baby, oh yes, and Mork, the big old guy...he sure was handsome!  And big!  We only spent the one day as we went up to collect Amanda, and never knew her mother or father's names...only that she was from an Arizona female out of a Cozumel male.  The father was where we ran into some temperment troubles I believe.  Leslie openly admitted he'd attacked her 11 year old son and sent him to the hospital with serious wounds to the shoulders and upper back....darned lucky the boy wasn't killed....and yet, Leslie used him as Amanda's father.  Have to say I was not impressed, but I'd been on a waiting list for her for over 18 months, and let heart rule head over genetics. 

Amanda's had her dangerous tendoncies, and was unpredictable enough that we did get her canines removed when she was 3 years old.  I didn't mind the tooth snagging and getting shredded (well, I wasn't thrilled, but simply sighed and reached for a bandaide), as it was something I could understand.  No, it was that she'd be sailing along, happy as Larry, and the next thing completely out of the blue she'd go into an attack.  So the canines went, and all in all it settled down the attacks.  In fact she hasn't really attacked out of the blue until last Sept....and she did get me badly.  Scared the snot out of me, as again there was no rhyme or reason I could suss out.  I tried thinking of every excuse under the sun for why, but drew a blank. 

Nowadays she's gone a bit senile and daft, but has mellowed greatly over the last year.  She'll be 12 in June.  Spends much of her days lazing about under the heater, noshing on marshmellows bear_original  Life's so hard for a coati! bear_grin  How old was your friend's coati when she died of old age?  How old is your Elmo boy?  Yep, Amanda does the snuffly nose noises.( chuff chuff chuff)..and even though she's an 'old lady' she still adores for her nose to be blown!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I feel all giddy and blush-y for the continued mentions of Chauncey, but hate to disappoint.  Chauncey, Renae, is my Golden Teddy winner from 2005 in TEDDY BEAR REVIEW's Soft Sculpture/Plush Animal category.

Photo attached!   bear_whistle  :redface:  bear_flower


DebbieD Posts: 3,540

:clap:  :clap:  :clap: Awwwhhhhh...its about time too Miss Shelli!!!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:   I just LOVE your Chauncey  bear_wub  Hubby says if you ever need a good home for him, send him this way  bear_laugh  bear_wub   He will want for nothing!  :hug:

Ooh, good luck with your job interview WCD!   bear_flower

Had to laugh over poor Moosie...I can just picture his face with Elmo trying to 'make his moves'!  Boy, you're not kidding about those hides.  I always gave Amanda's vaccines, and as a baby, not too bad.  The old she got, the less loose skin. 

Does Elmo do that smacking with the paw over the other animal's face as a greeting?  With Amanda just about every friendly animal we'd introduce her to, this is how she'd greet them.... "oh hello" SMACK...right across the face!  Then she'd watch the reaction.  Bloody rude way to start a conversation if you ask me.  She gets along very well with cats, always has, but dogs are another story.  I think because coatis smell like raccoons, she got chased and harrassed so much, she just *hates* them, not that I blame her. 

I wonder if the "red" coatis you had were just another colour variation of the usual Arizonas (northerns"?  The ones in Guatemala were sweet as the day is long, played very gently with each other, and were definitely smaller than any of the coatis I've seen up here. 

bear_grin Yes, Amanda loved to rearrange hair!  Luckily that's toned down over the years.  But as a baby, I had long hair...and the first thing she did was grab and *swing*!   bear_shocked  bear_cry Cripes that hurt!  So Mum got her hair chopped, making my life that much easier  bear_laugh   And as it grew out later, Amanda forgot all about that swinging on hair routine. 

Did all of the ones you bottlefed make it through the night without waking?  We got Amanda when she was 4 1/2 weeks old.  Leslie swore up and down, last feeding was roughly 10:30  at night, she'd sleep the night through, first feeding roughly 6 am.  HA! fat chance.  We didn't make it the first night like this.  Every single night, midnight on the dot she HAD to be fed.  Didn't matter if I'd just fed her at 11:50.... she HAD to have her bottle.  We called it her "witching hour".  bear_original  My friend had a coati too from Leslie, and we compared notes as these two were growing up and over the years.  Night and Day those two were.  You could guarantee what worked for one did not often work for the other.  Amanda plays rough with her toys, Cody was gentle.  Amanda would EAT blankets, paper towels... any ole thing...Cody could be happily tucked in with warm blankies and plush toys.  What one would eat the other would turn its nose up at.  Amazing the non similarities between the two.  Luckily Amanda had manners...Cody did not....  Monica loved her little coati dearly, but Cody died a couple years back of a urinary tract infection.

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