For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi girls,
I have ordered mohair from Intercal once before but i find it really difficult to find anything - what is the easiest way to find a particular mohair style/finish?
I get side tracked by the piccies and just follow my nose which means i get lost real quick.
I'm after short, sparse felted finish mohair and i'm blowed if i can find any.
Am i missing a navigation trick or something?
Yeah, i know i can be dumb but i decided to own up publicly cos i'm desperate for some new mohair
:pray: :pray: :pray:
Penny - the dork
You are not alone...I get sidetracked ALL the time.
First section, by color....scroll down....then you get a list by quality (with description).
That's how I do it if I don't want to wander aimlessly and end up somewhere completely away from my original destination!!!
Good Luck!!!
ooooh i just checked that page out Shantell - it looks much simpler to use. I shall go off and have a good trawl through it.
Thanks Shantell :hug:
Hi Penny: If you're looking for fabric or other teddy bear supplies, I suggest you use our Web Catalog. It lists everything we offer. Click on:
Many customers also like Intercal Features. Click on:
Intercal Features lists a lot.....but not all our fabrics.....with links to a long list of colors followed by quality choices.
The Photo Gallery:
is more of a visual guide.
One thing to keep in mind when navigating our site. When you click on a "Quality" link you're taken to a given quality. When clicking on a "Color" link you're taken to a "Color" reference.
Thanks sooo much Johnna - i was getting so lost it made my head spin
There is just so much choice at Intercal and i must does'nt take a lot to get me confused!
Thank You :hug:
Intercal Features lists a lot.....but not all our fabrics.....with links to a long list of colors followed by quality choices.
Don't be telling me that....
I ALWAYS get sidetracked. There is so much fun stuff to see, so many great bears and bunnies to look at, and I do have a short attention span.
I guess the problem is that my beloved Intercal gives me the best of all worlds!
Queen of the Gollydingbats
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets lost on Intercal!
I can never find what I want but I see something I like then figure I'll just go back to it but can never find it again. Then I get to liking the looks of 20 other fabrics and get totally overwhelmed so just come back to Teddy Talk... it's safe here!
Hi All: I have decided to offer a quick tour of our Web Catalog.
The Web Catalog is split into four categories:
- Price Sheets
- Stock Sheets
- Glass Eyes
- Other supplies
The Index Page for the Web Catalog looks like:
The Price Sheets and Stock Sheets serve the same purpose. They are simply two different ways of searching for the same "stuff".
Personally, I prefer using the STOCK SHEETS. Sooooo......simply scroll past the Price Sheets on the Index Page until you get to STOCK SHEETS. Now it is time to start looking for a description of a quality and/or finish, which sounds interesting to you.
As an example, I'm picking the "Curly S-Finish by Helmbold". Click on:
You're now looking at a page listing ALL our qualities in the Curly well as the colors a given quality is offered in.
SELECTING A QUALITY: At the top of the page....above the written will see a scan of a teddy made up in that quality. Click on the scan and you'll be taken to a listing of scans using that QUALITY.
SELECTING A COLOR: On the left side of the page, you will see a bunch of blue links with a written color number and a brief color description. Click on one of the blue links, and you will be taken to a listing of that particular COLOR.
Basically, the system is working as a major "cross-reference" between qualities and colors.
PRICING: As long as you order a single, full yard cut you'll automatically be given our best price. In the old days this price used to be called our "20 yard price". You can adjust your cuts in the shopping cart, but the price will be slightly higher.
BEST PRICING ON LESS THAN FULL YARD PIECES: We can recommend two pages...namely:
Intercal Features - Click on:
List of End Pieces - Click on:
To use our system properly, PLEASE always keep in mind that when you click on a QUALITY link you're taken to a given QUALITY. When clicking on a COLOR link, you're taken to a given COLOR.
I hope this is not boring you all to death.
Daphne wrote I can never find what I want but I see something I like then figure I'll just go back to it but can never find it again.
Yes, that is what happens to me too Daphne. The links that you click on disappear so you can't go back and re-read them when you are browsing for mohair.
I shall try and have another browse through today
Penny :hug:
I think like any website, you need to give yourself a bit of time to familiarize yourself with what's there. I can tell you though, that Johnna is the most helpful and sweet lady I have dealt with. If you have any questions at all, just email her or give her a call and she is very happy to help.
Being such a visual person, I love how they have the photo gallery so I can see what the mohair look like made up into a bear. For me, I find that most helpful. Other places can leave it up to your imagination.
I have had nothing but great experiences with Intercal and thier mohair is top notch!
I STILL have'nt had the chance to go through Intercals pages yet - but i will and soon, i'm getting low on mohair!
When I first started using Intercal, I printed up their stock sheets....I guess thats what they are called, so that I had essentially the whole fabric line in front of me. Then as I used mohair I would find it on the sheet, and make notes to myself on the colors i liked best, or the different styles depending on the critter.
That helped me allot. I can go back and research what i liked and duplicate it by buying it again.
I don't get lost, but I do take lots of side trips to look at bears made up in this or that mohair. I find the picture examples are tremendously helpful and I love looking at the bears others have made.
maybe this will help?
ordering from Intercal, but it is not something I will
do if I am pressed for time; I enjoy savoring looking at everything as I decide,
& I end up with a dozen browser windows open so I can look at several furs &
colors at once. There is so much variety. Especially pleasing is to see the example
bears, in nice good-sized photos & in several different colors, with the size of the
bear included so I can see the 'scale' of the fabric. I know it must have been an awful
lot of work to put the site together with so much reference & cross-reference, but it really
is most pleasing to see exactly what you're going to get, in well-lit photos with such attention
given to true representation of the color.
The only problem I ever encounter is sometimes there are selections - like in small
& irregular pieces - which do not have a link for reference/description. If it's a color I
like, I'll order it anyway & be surprised, lol - those cuts are cheap & I can be creative!
But the ample photos & descriptions DO spoil me, when I come across a quality of mohair
that has not got that info.
ordering is way too
I love selection and choices as much as the next guy/gal but it shouldn't take as long to ORDER supplies as it does to actually MAKE the bear! Nor should it be as complicated or involve as many steps!!
So, I order from where I'm comfortable and familiar... I've grown with their website so don't find it overwhelming, challenging or complicated.
Just as many of you are used to ordering from Intercal and have found a method that works for you!
Horray for choices!!! :dance:
Well, I just have to say it's so much easier and way more fun to dig through stacks of mohair sitting on a sale table. :dance: I went to a show today and got to touch and feel and fall in love with the mohair Intercal offers. I came home with a couple pieces.