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zemeski Posts: 434

Twister911Twister4tisterTwister2My neighbor across the street called me Friday and asked if I had heard the weather??? I told her no I don't watch much TV. (I have to confess that I don't listen to the radio or news much due to struggling from depression for years. TV just isn't very healthy for me and I just don't watch it.) I had several neighbors call me Friday early evening and asking if they could come use our basement if it got bad with the storms. I went to bed last night ready for the worst. I got the basement ready with flashlights, water, food, battery radio, first aid kit, ect.. for anything that came our way... (Tornados) We had bad thunderstorms headed at us last night. It hit about 1:00am this morning. I got up when the storm started and went to let our cat in from outside. I looked out and saw to my surprise two fire trucks next door putting out a fire. My neighbors house caught on fire. I of course panic and called over their and they answered. Thank God!!! They are all okay!! They caught it before it was to bad!! The fire started on the outside. They said it could have been lighting or wiring malfunction. It was lighting bad while the fireman were over their!! I think they were more afraid of the lighting than the fire!! Scary!!! We got up this morning and everything is calm again!!! Yeah!! My neighbors next door are all alive!! Yeah!!! We didn't have to use the basement. Yeah!!   Nashville, TN was hit unfortunately the worst on Friday. The last count that have been found died is eleven. We have family their and all is well just upset about the deaths around them. Pray for Tennessee families that lost loved ones!!! Also, remember my neighbors as they are still in shock over the house fire. :pray:

The pictures are of Nashville, TN after the storm yesterday.

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Melissa, I had just seen the news here on tv - thank goodness you and your neighbours are ok, my heart goes out to all affected by the terrible storms - take care of yourself,


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128


Like you I try and avoid the news...too much sadness for me.  I'm so glad to hear that you and your loved ones are safe...including your neighbors.

:hug:   :hug:

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Other than God, there is nothing more powerful than mother nature.  My gosh!  All you can do is...well...nothing but wait for it to pass.  Isn't it strange how the North American continent is the only place where tornadoes are formed.  We must have just the right temperature, pressure, and land formation to support these wiild twisting columns of air.

I am glad to hear that you are alright, Melissa.  How scarey and wild a night that must have been for everyone there. :hug:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Oh Melissa

:pray:  I am so glad and grateful that you have reson to breathe a sigh of relief.  I pray it keeps up.....

Don Bastardi

a meterologist said a while back that we are heading into a weather pattern that hasn't been around for about 30-40 years, and that we need to hang on to our hats!  It's gonna get exciting in a not fun way.....

Keep your basement on a state of alert.....that way you don't have to do it every time....

Take care, I am happy about your neighbors too

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  to you and  :hug:  for your neighbors too!


nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

Your weather can be really scary!!!I am glad you are all okay and hope your neighbours get over their fire.
Diane xxx

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,755

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Wow, Melissa . . . so glad the weather wasn't that bad at your place, but sorry about your neighbors.  I've read with great sadness the destruction, injuries, and loss of life that these natural disasters have brought with increasing frequency during recent times.  And it does look as if the dire predictions of more to come will bring even more sorrow.  Leaves one feeling totally helpless . . . sigh.

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Melissa, I know that this was probably not the last time, your area was hit by bad weathers, unfortunately. But I sure hope that you´ll get off lightly everytime.  bear_thumb
The weather is running postal, it looks, all over the world, so one can only hope and pray.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best

Gaby bear_flower

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_original  Good to hear that you and neighbors are ok--it sounds terrifying!  bear_sad


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Oh Melissa my heart and prayers are with you all.  bear_cry   bear_cry   bear_cry

baggaley bears Baggaley Bears
UK ( nottinghamshire )
Posts: 2,192

Im so glad to hear that your neighbours are ok. Sending hugs to you and your loved ones  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:


DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Hold onto your hats this season...its gonna be a bumpy year for Tornadoes in the Alley I'm afraid  bear_cry   We watched them as they marched through north and southern Missouri....  and they did indeed hit so hard in Tennessee and Kentucky, and eastern Missouri. 

I am glad your neighbors caught that fire in time...I'd be betting that it was the lightning that started it with all those strong storms. 

Dilu's got good advice, get your basement all settled, and don't forget to get in supplies of drinking water, and possible food that you can have in the event the electricity goes out.  It never hurts to be prepared, and you can always eat the food, and replace it with fresh, so its not like you're out $$ for the supplies.

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

How very scary Melissa, and so glad to hear,  that you were safe.
Sorry to hear about your neighbours house catching fire.
Take care.


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Oh Melissa, my prayers are with you all, glad to hear you are o.k.  My thoughts are especially for my fellow work colleagues, as our head office is based in Nashville Tennessee.  Any more news please????  I am hoping no lives were lost?? :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

beary_clairey Luton
Posts: 518


I'm really glad you are well. What you go through is something that I can only imagine and is also something that I would never want to go through BUT in recent years we have also had a couple of SMALL tornadoe twisters that have been reported.

The weather is Freaking out !!!

I watched this programme which stated that if a massive chunk of the polar ice cap falls into the sea which they think will happen in about 10 or 20 years it could seriously damage what they call the global conveyor belt which is a big system of cold and warm water and how it moves around our planet !!!

Then we'll see some serious weather. That is why I think that Global warming should be the top of every goverments agenda !!!What does it matter if we have good education, nice hospitals and pensions if the planet is going to the dogs !!!

I mean if every house in Britain or the world had solar panels on their roofs, how much natural energy like oil & Gas would be saved!!!

Food for thought


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