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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

When you are designing an open mouth bear do you design the snout of the bear to be flat on the bottom - the chin area or do you just work with the same head shape as bears without an open mouth???

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,995

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

The library has a lot of info addressing open mouths.  It is the little smiley waving his arms right above your avatar.  Just scroll down and click on "mouths".

mingrul Our Blue Iguana
Posts: 233

jane some i saw what they do is that they draw the head the way you would do any bear, than cut an opening afterwards, than they would insert a ultra suede into the mouth.... and sew it up... i saw a book " teddy bear making encyclopedia" is pretty good even the one by Tillberg (hope i spelled her correctly) have lots of information as well.... hope this helps....


Mo Beary Mo Bear Designs
Redcliff, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,536

I want to do the kind of open mouth that is added on as a separate chin piece.  I did look at some of the info that you pointed to me Sue Ann - thanks for that I keep forgetting that it there.  However I haven't seen anything about the shape of the chin for an added on mouth yet.  I will keep looking.

mingrul Our Blue Iguana
Posts: 233

oh we did that with our japanese instructor.. she cut a small part where the mouth is suppose to be, than insert a 2 small pieces (sewed) like a toungue shape and insert it in between the opening.

when u find the center of the chin, make sure to put lots of pin, than you sew the way you usually sew .. ill see if i can find it... my first try it was kind of slanted bec i did not center it.... ill add the pic of what we did and maybe this is what you are want?


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Hi Jane, my open mouth designs are the same head shape when drawn as bears without an open mouth.  With a slit cut in to form the opening of the mouth.  So there is no separate piece added for the chin. You use a oblong shaped piece of suede insert  to form the mouth.

I have seen artists do what you are after, with a separate chin, perhaps try some of the books by Nancy Tillberg or perhaps Jennifer Laing - Maybe!!

I have added a chin by felting it in before with a normal head shape, you can use pipecleaner or florist wire as your base  to form a  U shape to sit underneath the chin, then felt and build up around it to the desired requirements and look your after.

Hope this helps, goodluck.  bear_original

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

Jane, this site has a great tutorial for doing the type of open-mouth bear you want to do.


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