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Tedsby - Handmade teddy bears and other cute stuffed animals. Hundreds of teddy artists from all over the world and thousands of OOAK creations.
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I love them all, they all so cute.


Just Beautiful, the mink ones are my favorite, but I love them all.


She 's a wonderful bear.


Millie is beautiful. I had the privlige of actually meeting her.


Thanks again Ali, everybody loves her. Please thank your daughter for Hunnies little friend. I'm sure it made her trip much more pleasurable. I also receive the candle and I love the little tin it's in.


Hunnie.jpgHunnie1.jpgHi Everyone,
Hunnie is here. She made it to the US, She was tired from traveling such a long way. Ali, you did a great job, she is adorable. I love her.  She already settled in and made some bear friends. Her wings are wonderful,hope she don't fly away, only kidding. She has a special spot here in our home. I will treasure her.


Beautiful Bear, love her eyes.


I will say a pray that they all have a safe trip and arrive quickly.


He's a wonderful bear, and a great design.


Has Lambert been swapped?????? I think he's adorable. Please let me know if he is still available.


Penelope was looking so forward to living in England and she looks so happy. I told her to be a good girl for her new mummy. Glad you like her. Keep in touch.


Hi Everyone,
I finally finished my bear , shipped her out today. Hope my swap partner likes her, her name is Penelope.
It should get to Alison in about a week.


He's Beautiful. I also have a Rosco, ( My husband helped name him). He's made of faux fur. I'll post him as soon as I take his picture, he's just a baby.


I love his fur and he has such a sweet face. I'm sure someone will give him lots of cuddles.


He is a wonderful, worldly looking fellow.

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Johnna's Mohair Store - Specializing in hand dyed mohair and alpaca
Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb